User Cooper's Blowout - 2006-October


Well-known member
I wasn't clear in my post. Yes, I've seen a couple of other high end fifth wheels come with the Goodyears, but not a Heartland product.


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
ct0218 said:
I wasn't clear in my post. Yes, I've seen a couple of other high end fifth wheels come with the Goodyears, but not a Heartland product.
It really makes me feel better that my Heartland came with Goodyears and that they are made in the USA.:D


Well-known member
I picked up my Golden Gate Saturday from the bodyshop. It was not fixed correctly but, I picked it up anyway and will do the repairs myself.
They cut a hole in the panel they replaced and cut it way to big I'll patch it because it under the edge of the trailer. They also left out the inner fender panel in front of the tire with out the panel it will fill with road debris. I had already made them repaint it so I finally gave up and will repair it myself.


Well-known member
I am still waiting on parts to finish repairs on my Gloden Gate.
They must be on a slow boat from China.


Well-known member
Well I have final finished the repairs to my Golden Gate after the blow out.
I hope no one else has problems with a BodyShop cutting corners,but if you dont watch them they cut corners every time. Make sure your Insurance company does not pay them up front (GMAC).
I had to install the fenderwheel panels they left off, reseal what they did not seal and reroute wiring that they repaired.
Now on to washing and waxing and painting pieces on the coach that have turned yellow (only a year old).


Well-known member
Finally Tredit Tire payed off on my Trail America Tires. I went from Heartland which sent me to JCA (Shawn) after weeks with him. Shawn :mad: sent me to Tredit (Kelly) and after a few weeks she sent me to Star Tire. Star Tire :mad: gave me the run around for a month then sent me to Shawn @ JCA. Then JCA sent me back to Tredit (Kelly). I talked to Kelly;) again and they decided to pay off. It was a long drawn out process but, thank goodness its finally over.
I could not have gotten this done with out the guys at Heartland and Jim Beletti Thanks. ;) None :) :rolleyes:
PS I have 4 Trail America Tires For Sale Cheap and a HO HO HO to all.
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