I used to ride with my brother-in-law, he was an over the road driver for a large trucking firm and hauled from the mid-west to the Boston area. I've stayed in a few rest stops and I must say have seen a lot of things going on at the rest stops across the area. Everything from mid night get togethers, shootings, stabbings, love affairs, poker games, professional ladies of the night, street walkers, bums, hitchhikers, drug deals, booze deals (teens) coyotes (human traffickers), real coyotes too, fights of all sorts and lots of other things. Staying in a rest not is NOT the safest thing you could do. Unless absolutely necessary I would never willing stay in a rest stop again! I've slept at the ready with one eye open in Nam and would prefer that to a rest stop. Of course then I had a few others around me that were very well trained to defend ourselves if necessary, unlike a rest stop. Just my opinion of staying over night in a rest stop anywhere USA.