Water Filter Location


Many great features in our Landmark 365. However, how about making the water filter more accessible. Ours is behind a bin wall and set so far back that it is difficult to reach, especially for someone 76 years old.

Rob More


Well-known member
Prior to the UDC and before the softener. I don't mount anything in an area where there could be water damage. The UDC is fine if there is an outlet for water should something go wrong but in the basement is a no-no as far as I am concerned. In freezing weather I wrap both in insulation.


Well-known member
I mounted my water filter, regulator, gauge, and water meter just forward of the UDC...nice to be able to stand up for accessing everything and still be able to switch the 4-way valve and open the outside shower door.

Couldn't you relocate that filter from way in the back to a better location?