Are you hoping for better ride quality with the upgrades? We do not get a chance to travel as much as we would like, but we are always looking for something to help with ride.
Jamie, it really wasn't an upgrade this time. We replaced our axles, springs, and suspension in 2011 -- going from 6k to 7k. The work we did this weekend was because suspension, shackles, bolts and bushings were worn out after 3 years and LOTS of miles.
(New 'NeverFail' bushing at top, two worn bushings removed, and a standard nylon bushing at the bottom - not used.)
In fact, I'm not certain but the shackles and bushings could be OEM, and 4-1/2 years old. We had the 2011 upgrades done by two different independent places, and back then, the original shackles and bushings probably looked fine.
Replacement parts:
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