Go and find the models you like and spend some time in each one. Don't spend a few minutes, spend at least an hour in each. Act like you are cooking a meal, does the kitchen work for your cooking needs? Both of you get in the bedroom, enough room? How does the internal storage compare between the 2 floorplans? Does one have more in the bedroom storage verses the kitchen? If you spend time outside, does one unit have more awning size verses the other? When traveling, what can you access with the slides in on each rig?
Just because someone thinks their floorplan is the best, doesn't mean it will work for you. We like our rig, but wish we had bought a different floorplan. Ours was a new floorplan that was just coming out when we bought it, only saw it on paper. Make a list of what you want in a rig, and check it off for each different floorplan.