Where Are The Landmarks?


Active Member
My guess is that there are about 4,000 Landmarks. They are a rare bird in the larger picture. But a great bird!

Did landmark production begin with 001? I have number 64...I've never seen anyone post an earlier production number.

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Well-known member
We're rarely on the road or in public rv parks or cgs, so few will see us. We stay on our hilltop in western MT from May into October, at military fam camps in CO Spgs and Key West, and at in-laws in NC. We see 3 or 4 Landmarks each winter in KW along with Big Horns, Cyclones, and other Heartlands.


Well-known member
We're rarely on the road or in public rv parks or cgs, so few will see us. We stay on our hilltop in western MT from May into October, at military fam camps in CO Spgs and Key West, and at in-laws in NC. We see 3 or 4 Landmarks each winter in KW along with Big Horns, Cyclones, and other Heartlands.

We will be parking our coach at the AFA Fam Camp probably from November through March and then use in on weekends as we travel down from Denver. Maybe we can meet up