P 3 location
I went through the same questions when I installed my P3 into my 2002 F350 this summer. Do you have previous experience with using elect brake controllers? If so, you probably have a preference of whether you want it available to your left or right hand. With previous controllers, you did not have to see the controller to know what it was doing. With the menu driven display on the P3, you have to see it and then press one of the 4 corner buttons to adjust its function.
With aging eyes and bifocals, I have trouble seeing (quickly! while driving) the display and figuring out what it is set for. I do not think the display can be turned off (but has 3 brightness settings). It is too bright for night driving to have it located on the top of the dash. It needs to be set low to be completely out of view while eyes are focused on the road ahead. I prefer any brake controller to be at my left hand so I can downshift with my right if necessary. But in my F350, it would have to be mounted on the removable panel access to the fuse panel area if located to my lower left. So I compromised and mounted it to my lower right.
Maybe I don't totally understand how to adjust the P3 yet, but have trouble with the "boost" settings. When I am going at highway speeds the boost feels right set on #2 or #3 depending on terrain. But when I slow down to pass through a small town and get down to 30 mph, the boost setting on #2 or#3 is nasty and harsh. The trailer brakes will jerk badly, so I set it down to 0 or maybe #1. Thus I am frequently resetting the boost function, and having to go through the menu to do it...taking my eyes and attention off the road ahead.
The instructions for the P3 said it needs to be mounted straight in line with the front/back of the truck. Because of the accelerometer inside, it should not be set at any angle to the center line of the truck. However it does not need to be level, it has an internal self leveling function.
My older Dodge, and your newer Dodge have such different dashboards that I can't help with the specifics of your installation.
Good luck and enjoy your new outdoor experiences.