Wood Grained Contact Paper


Active Member
Hey everyone, we have over the last ten years in our '15 4100King, had a bit of water and pet damage to the wood (I use that word laughingly) that contacts the floor. I need to replace a few pieces, but they are all covered in the contact paper used at the factory in '15. Has anyone had any luck matching commercially available contact paper with the Mahogany (maybe) that was used? I hate to buy 20 different rolls from Amazon and was hoping someone had found some. I would even stain real wood to match, but that would also be a pain in the butt. Thanks.


Well-known member
Did you call Heartland? I had ordered a 4x8 sheet of the wood grain faced 1/8" board for projects on my Terry. In an effort to re center this light between the 2 walls instead of the cabinet it was installed in, I just put a new board in.
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