Nope. Nope. Nope. Here is a bottle of snake oil for you with a side of nope.
I almost can't believe someone would dare promote this thing in person. It saddens me that all it takes is someone not knowledgable of how these things work to fall victim to being foisted into engaging in the proliferation of illegal content sharing on the internet.
This is most probably KODI's illegal side for anyone who is familiar and
here is an article explaining what it does.
Read the FAQ's: The way these Android based streamer boxes work, is
typically through a VPN tunnel that it creates to some unknown endpoint and the "free content" it is accessing is actually via pirated torrents as it suggests in the FAQ "
All our xmWiredTV media player software does, is provide links to content that is already posted on the internet. We do not host any content nor do we know who does. We do not promote illegal conduct of any kind."
That last sentence there is complete rubbish. Right along with the very poor grammar that you'd pay $350 for. If you are really interested in doing this, you can find much better streamers on Amazon for under $100, but of course you are then DIY and have to support it yourself.
Should this 'device' have a problem, or leak any RTC information back to your ISP, you will most likely be shut down for torrenting (downloading) pirated content across your ISP. The bandwidth requirements are extremely high, and most likely not something any sort of campground WIFI or cell based internet will tolerate either. Many cell based ISP's also block VPN traffic as well, because VPNs can mask traffic from their traffic shaping protocols. You have almost no control over what quality or quantity of content that would be available.
A suggested, do this the right way with a Roku, Amazon TV or Apple TV, legally. Pay your sub fee. Think of it this way - Amazon prime is $99/yr, you now have access to everything they offer, that's 3 years of prime plus a Amazon TV or mid-level Roku for the same price as what they offer this re-skinned KODI player for. Or, how about a mid-level Roku at $50 and about 37 months of basic Netflix.
Ugg. Sorry if that seemed ranty, but it makes my skin crawl.