You might be an RVer if...


Retired Oregon HOC
The fuel prices you pay the most attention to are diesel and propane.

The first thing you do when planning a trip to a new city is check out the campgrounds, find the best place to fuel up, and locate the WalMart.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
While your RV is in the shop, you drive through nearby RV parks just to see others enjoying theirs.

(Been there, done that. ;))


You might be an RV'er if.....
You use your oven as a bread box.
You are lulled to sleep by the overhead call of shower numbers at the Flying J !!


goldenbetty live in the city and you cut off your garage, lay a new driveway, build a new building to cover your RV and a garage along side of it.

and.... you keep going into your closet instead of the bathroom because the closet is at home!!!!!