New profile posts

Jepzilla, hope thqt you can make it to the reunion, and make it to the meeting , Who Pig Sooie, hope to see you there!
Mike and Betty
Hey Builder.
Hope that you come and join the fun and come to our fall get together, at the Petit Jean Mountain retreat, for some fun and excitment, looking for ya.......
Yep!! I will be there! I am looking forward to it. I have never been part of an organized camping groups. I was supposed to go to a wedding but it was turning into a nightmare so I was happy to bail.

I was hoping Annette and Paul would join us so that Annette could get a driving lesson. The company I used is based in Jackson. We are family camping the end of September at Dillon's beach and that will be a long trip. Too bad Susanville is sooooo far away from everything.

Wow! Three weeks away from home in your trailer. Sounds fun. Safe travels and I look forward to seeing you in October.
Kevin saw Paul the other day said you were going to rally. we are for sure going. It will be really nice to meet up with you again. we will be gone for three weeks but hitting Jackson on the way home.:)
You my friend are hoping for to much,I contacted Heartland for a wiring diagram and was told that the don't have any,I was told that the people on the line wire it as they see fit.
Now I myself have had a lot to do with old house wiring and you work without a diagram but most new houses come with this info.
So good luck and happy hunting.
Responded in PM, but will include here. That switch controls a length of rope lighting that runs under the lip on the Wrap around portion of the kitchen cabinet. (under the sink and such). My unit suffered from a disconnected wire in the 'belly of the beast'. Easy fix, but took time for the dealer to find the wires to join together.

I am looking for some electrical help on my 2008 Landmark Augusta 5th wheel. I have a switch on the kitchen island that doesn't appear to control anything. Can someone help with this?

We live in the Cold Spring, NY in Putnam County. We are picking up the 3950 at Boat-n-RV in West Coxsackie which is just south of Albany. We shall see how the dealer turns out to far we have danced quite a bit about features and their assurances, but so far they appear to be making good.

I am sure we will have more to post tomorrow.
I see you are from Cold Spring, NY. Which county? There are 3 listed in NY. I was also wondering what dealership you are purchasing your new Cyclone from. We have a 3210 that we purchased from Boat-n-RV in West Coxsackie (near Lake George, I believe).

I was raised in the Cicero/North Syracuse area and am always looking for a decent Heartland dealer in that area ...just in case!! The parents still live there and also have my grandparent's place up in Cranberry Lake (between Watertown & Tupper Lake on Rte 3). I know there is a dealer in Adams but don't know there reputation yet.

HI baddbrad, welcome to heartland owners ,my name is Rick[TRAVELER07] MIch chapter representive Sep 18thru21,2008 we are having a Heartland, Mich chapter rally. It will be held at Frankrnmuth Mi at Jellystone park,ph # 989-652-6668,ask to be placed with the Heartland owners or near Jim Beletti .contact me at if you are planing to attend .Also we will be having a pot luck dinner and a pot luck breakfast so please bring a dish TRAVELER07
It was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend at Rayford Crossing.You sure do have a beautiful rig.We wish you and Dee many happy trails.Hope to see you again one day, maybe at the next rally.

Hi - This is Marybeth - the other owner affected by Dan Gamel's closing. How did your service at Affordable RV go? My appointment is in about three weeks.

well were home and moved in finally havent heard from you all in a while let us know where and how you are fljlcw toby and trish
Hello wshamby,
Welcome to the family, of Heartland owners. If you have not been informed, Arkansas has a Heartland chapter and we would love for you to visit with us either on web or at one our rallies, we are currently looking at putting on a rally in October, the date has not yet been set, but I will let you know the date as soon as we confirm it.
Your new Friends and family in Arkansas,

Mike & Betty Tovar
Ark. Chapter
I got your name from Jim Beletti because we're pretty close. I live in Dickinson, just south of Houston, and am the leader for the south Texas Heartland club. We are having a rally in October at the Rayford Crossing RV Resort in the Woodlands and would love to have you join us then.

Please feel free to contact me on the Heartland owners website or by email at
I look forward to meeting you soon,

PS we have another member down near you who lives in Port Acres, Jim and Ornell Sims.