Update: Well I found out the Service writer I was dealing with was let go. I can't imagine why, since I also discovered he had not taken care of my claim. So within 24 hours I was contacted by Heartland and things are in place. vender has claim and is sending replacement...Thanx Heartland...
I agree with everything you said. And the timeline I expect as you have experienced. What the problem is, and I know this site is monitored, the service folks just NEVER get back with you. I have called over and over, well weekly and get nothing. I am only wanting an answer. The shipping I...
I was wondering what it takes for either a reply or just plain fix or repair of my theater seating that fell apart. It has been 1 month. I have sent everything asked for. I get promised email return that never comes and when I call and ask for information I get "waiting on the vender" and...
Thanx All.....I cleaned it out....10 minute fix...Easy to do so I guess that will always be the plan for now, although the vinegar and baking soda I will try...
Are there any chemical products that are recommended for slow draining bathroom sinks? Or will any septic product good for PVC work. My concern is the tank and what a chemical can do to it. Thank You Frank
Of course I know about the old fashion way....plunger..
Funny you mention that park. I mapped that park because of the website. So thanx on being a little tight. I know we stayed at Musicland Kampground in Brandon a few years ago with our 34 foot Big Horn and that was tight. I could not imagine going back there with this LM. Strike that one..
We are finally starting the trip of a lifetime in a new chapter of our lives. Our first trip out is not until November, but it is just around the corner so I am asking for some advice with Florida RV parks. I have heard different things about the Keys so I am asking. Where is the place to...
Makes me wonder with the cost of this coach why Heartland would not put a deal together with a company like Lazy Boy for good quality furniture....Shame the thing just falls apart...I will post a pic as soon as I get a response from Heartland on what they are going to do. Should be a replacement...
I guess I should have paid more attention to some threads I have been reading about the furniture and things I was told about by customers during some of the RV shows we attended. The furniture leaves something to be desired. the theater seating, which we really like, just broke. Looks like...
I love electricity but I hate it!...So if I purchased a 4000 Watt Generator why couldn't I mount it in the front storage prewired area of the Ashland? That way I can use the start switch inside. I know I would have to run an exhaust out the bottom and out the side under the trailer..I would...
Thanx...I will to then...I know this is not the place but since I have you at the moment, we are thinking of getting a generator. An option I declined but after traveling a bit. Can you tell what the prewire is wired for? How much generator would I need to run 1 a/c, TV and refridge? Can any...
I have another stupid question. Ya know I didn't seem to be concerned with all these questions until I became a full timer. Imagine that? lol...Anyway..Does anyone travel with the Owners sign attached to the ladder? Or do I remove it before leaving? Seems the wind might pull it free by...
Re: Outide Vent
Geezz..I finally figured it out. I force the tabs on the bottom up to release the bottom of the flapper and WaLa....it opens and I am now venting.....
Does anyone have a "Popping" sound when set up. Seems that it "pops" whenever it feels like it. I believe it might be hydraulic or maybe something in the 6 way auto level system. Any ideas? I'm not seeing the level decrease or any of the jacks change but a mm at a time would be difficult to...
I love Heartland and this one is our 4th Heartland product, however we too had a water leak on the 2nd day we brought home our LM. Water leaks should NEVER be missed if the QA is done properly at the factory before ever leaving...
Dah!...now I see..I thought we just had a lot of vents! Well now I have to ask how to change or clean those filters? Those don't just "pop" free? It this a fight I will be taking on to clean those?
Did I miss something or am I just not seeing them. We have all three A/C's on our LM 365 Ashland. Where are the A/C filters located? For the life of me I do not see any location or are they hidden in a secret location for those that ask??? lol
That little compressor is impressive. I also run 100 psi in my tires and use that compressor for everything. I was surprised how it can push 110 psi to tires. Stick to the 20 minutes limit on run time and let it cool because believe me, it does get hot!
I really feel stupid but for the life of me I cannot get this to open. Afraid to break it! Dealer doesn't have a clue....Jim, Can we Move this to Ask the Factory?
Thanx....With that I will not run directly to Battery....still looking for a convenient way to do this....I am lazy so I'll figue out something...lol....
Re: Outide Vent
It seems it is venting, kind of. If I push in, it closes but I can feel very little venting coming out of the top of the vent. Those deals on the bottom look more like hinges...I would think it would fully open then hinge closed. Any other idea? This convection oven...
I feel really stupid but can anyone tell us how to open the outside vent for the convection oven. I see a vent lid on the off door side very high on the rig but for the life of me I cannot see how to open it. It does not seem to have those little turn bars to release the flap so after staring...
I have the Winegard GM-1518 Carryout Satellite TV Antenna that I had mounted on a ladder mount when I had the BC. Worked great. I hard wired the power to the 12 stabilizer jacks with an on/off switch, running the power and cable wire down the ladder to the frame. I then continued the cable...
...with my wife...forever hanging something....lol...Great idea and for me makes sense but I don't think sense works here! I think she goes to sleep thinking how she can moves things so I can stay busy during the day.....lol....Is this unusual in my case? I wonder out there guys?????
lmao.....funny stuff.....Love it.....By the way, that picture of the kids has been moved 3 x since I started this......."yes dear Miss Always Right!" Thanx all
Re: 50 amp breakers
Well results are in. I replaced the breaker and after 3 hours it's pulling 40 amps and cool to the touch......I feel better. A breaker is so simple they never go bad unless they melt. Not sure of a cause but I feel much better now.......Thanx everyone for the input....I...
Re: 50 amp breakers
I hate working with electricity but gonna get a breaker and replace. Looks pretty simple....I'll see what happens...An after thought...Why would the wires get hot. I never thought of checking those. That would indicate a much more serious problem....Wouldn't it....?
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