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  1. C

    EVENT: North American Heartland Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

    Jim, I am monitoring this thread and have corrrected the repairs spreadsheet to show that you are now arriving on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.
  2. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Lake Leelanau - 8/25/2011 to 8/28/2011

    Rich, thank you for your kind words. To all that might not understand Rich's second sentence, Rich has resigned to give us only one chapter leader as co-leaders are no longer allowed. Rich, I've learned so much from you and hope we all have your continuing support.
  3. C

    EVENT: North American Heartland Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

    Re: Lippert Promo for Rally Attendees I would like to correct Dave's statement. This is the practice that I have used for the past three rallies and continue with this one... When I see a request come through, I look to see if there are multiple requests shown as one (e.g. - adjust all...
  4. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Lake Leelanau - 8/25/2011 to 8/28/2011

    Alan, thanks for updating the roster. Let's all hope that the other 18 will soon register so we will have a better idea of where we stand.
  5. C

    parts for rear stabilizer jacks

    Re: parts fora Quick Draw electric rear stabilizer jack Thanks, Mark & Dave. Happened to see a 2008 Bighorn today at the park we are staying at and they have the identical stabilizer as I do, except that it has a Lippert label on it. so, it looks like Lippert bought out Quick Draw. I...
  6. C

    parts for rear stabilizer jacks

    Re: parts fora Quick Draw electric rear stabilizer jack I have Quick Draw electric rear stabilizers on my 2006 Bighorn. Unfortunately, that company is no longer in business and Heartland Customer Service was not able to give me any further information on this company or who purchased it if it...
  7. C

    Service Work at 2011 North American Heartland Owners Rally - Goshen, IN

    Thanks to all that have responded so far - 54 request so far. We are expecting far more than that and the factory is limiting repairs to any one rig to no more than 30 minutes to give everyone a chance to have its work done. If your unit is currently under warranty, please contact your dealer...
  8. C

    Over the Air TV

    Re: Over the Air TV - weak signal strength I spoke to some folks at the Tampa RV show and someone told me about a Radio Shack unit that he purchased and put into the living room. It plugged into 110-120V outlet. Does anyone know what this unit is called and about how much? I bought the Winguard...
  9. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Sorry to hear of your misfortune. We'll miss you. Please let Al and Ann Cornell know that they are most welcome - strangers only once; friends forever.
  10. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Send me an e-mail to and I will send you a list. I'll get it updated on this thread if I have time.
  11. C

    2010 International Heartland Owners Rally Discussion

    Many, many thanks to Jim and his staff of volunteers, to the seminar presenters, to the vendors, to the caterers, to the great entertainment on Saturday night and especially to Heartland RVs for one great international rally. When we weren't chasing down repairs to our truck and rig, we...
  12. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Folks, I want to give an update to the list of attendees, but I can't figure out how to edit the first post, so let me put it here. I see several posts that are not on the campground registration list for the Heartland rally, so if you don't see your names here, please contact the campground...
  13. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Hi, Mike. You are most welcome to join. Currently we have over 20 units registered and the campground has extended our cutoff date to July 1. Please send me a regular e-mail with NEW MEMBER in the subject line and both yours and your wife's name and I will add you to our Michigan Chapter...
  14. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Tom W mentioned to me that he registered today, but was asked to send in $40. I am guessing that he is either coming in early or staying later and the $40 applies to one of the non-rally nights. Tom makes 16 - we're over the hump and headed downhill. Glad to see the weather is finally starting...
  15. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Tom W. - the more the merrier. And thanks about the note of the door prizes available from Woodalls. We finally registered yesterday (left a message on Sunday, so they do get back to you quite promptly). So far there are 15 registered. Come on folks - we're only about halfway there.
  16. C

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: FL, Ocala - 02/18/2010 to 02/18/2010

    Wes & Katrina - let me offer thanks for the five of us from Lakeland Tiki Village for a great time and a wonderful lunch. No one went out for dinner that evening. Hope we can make the next event that you have. Steve Claywell Austin & Priscilla McCallister Chuck & Saundra Batcke
  17. C

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: FL, Ocala - 02/18/2010 to 02/18/2010

    Re: Luncheon planned for Feb 18, 2010 in Florida Wes, please add one more to the group from Tiki Village in Lakeland. Steve Claywell, a full-timer in a Bighorn is also coming with us - total of five.
  18. C

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: FL, Ocala - 02/18/2010 to 02/18/2010

    Re: Luncheon planned for Feb 18, 2010 in Florida Wes, we will be bringing another couple with us - Austin and Priscilla McCallister. They are in the same park as we are and they recently purchased a Big Country. See you next Thursday.
  19. C

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: FL, Ocala - 02/18/2010 to 02/18/2010

    Re: Luncheon planned for Feb 18, 2010 in Florida Saundra and I will be there. Thanks for the invite.
  20. C

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: FL, Ocala - 02/18/2010 to 02/18/2010

    Saundra and I will try to make it. I need to check something out tomorrow before I can state for sure. We lived in Sao Paulo Brazil for a couple of years in the late '70s and hope the restaurant is half as good as we remember the ones down there. How many reservations do you have as yet?
  21. C

    EVENT: RV Show: FL, Tampa* - 1/13/2010 to 1/17/2010

    Lunch in Florida Wish I would have seen this prior to attending the show. We would have loved to help out. I heard someone say that there was a possibility of a get-together sometime this winter with Florida owners and snowbirds, but haven't seen anything on the forum about that (doing a...
  22. C

    Michigan Chapter Newsletters

    Fall 2009 and Winter 2009-10 Newsletters Guess I forgot to submit the fall newsletter, so I will attach the last two here.
  23. C

    Thank you Lippert – Service with a smile

    What brand of axle? Wolfdad, thanks for the pictures. However, were these Lippert axles? After the Goshen rally, I had to have my springs, axles, shackles and u-bolts replaced. The axles that were replaced were Akzo 7K axles. Akzo and Dexter are two popular brand names besides Lippert that...
  24. C

    40 Clove Chicken

    It was delicious. I think I saw more than 3-4 people licking their lips after eating this.
  25. C

    2009 Michigan Summer Rally all set (U.P. / St. Ignace) - August 28-30

    Saundra and I had a great time. Rain might have dampened some plans, but had no effect on the friendship among all. Hope everyone will return for next year's rally in Ludington and maybe even a weekend campout or two next year. Thanks to Rick and Blanca for all of their work and plannning and...
  26. C

    Automatic propane bottle switch

    It sounds like some units come with automatic changeovers and some come with manual changeovers. I know mine is automatic.
  27. C

    2011 model year out already?

    Looks like a typo to me. It says on the bold line that it is a 2010, but underneath it says 2011. To my knowledge the 2011s won't be out until late 2009.
  28. C

    2009 Michigan Summer Rally all set (U.P. / St. Ignace) - August 28-30

    How are we doing for desserts for the potluck. I was thinking of bringing a logo cake from Meijer's like I did for the Goshen rally. Also, is everyone going to the Island on Saturday?
  29. C

    Question about Rallys

    Michigan also welcomes SOBs. What better way to show true Heartland spirit then to welcome our friends, who someday will be Heartland owners. We will stay within the 25% that Jim B related to. My wife and I are wagonmasters for the 2010 Michigan rally in Ludington. Y'all come on over.
  30. C

    2010 BH 3670RL & 2006 Dodge RAM 3500 SRW

    That's too bad as we many of us should be running with MDTs when we are pulling rigs the size that some of us have. With my rig, I am within 100# of my GCVWR and really should have a MDT.
  31. C

    Dodge CTD RPM's when climbing

    I'm curious. My 2006 with the 4-speed auto and 4.10 rear end runs at 1800-1900 towing on a level grade at 60 mph, which I've been told is a good speed for the Bighorn and its Goodyear tires. 2100-2200 rpm would take me to nearly 70, which exceeds the recommended tire speed.
  32. C

    Dodge CTD RPM's when climbing

    I believe it stands for Cummins Turbo Diesel.
  33. C

    Big horn with Lanndmark floorplan

    My 3655RD is somewhat similar - only one door instead of two and a larger den. We really love it. I think Heartland only produced the 3655RD in 2006 and 2007. I wish they would bring it out again.
  34. C

    Checking the propane level in tanks

    HTneighbors You sold me on it as well. I just ordered three - 2 for the Bighorn and one for the BBQ.
  35. C

    wheel bearing grease - what brand and type

    That question was asked at the rally when Lippert did its vendor presentation. They passed out several different manuals. The recommended greases are: Mobil Oil's Mobilgrease HP Exxon/Standard's Ronex MP Kendall's Kendall L-427 Ashland's Valvoline Val-plex EP Grease Pennzoil's Premium Wheel...
  36. C

    2010 BH 3670RL & 2006 Dodge RAM 3500 SRW

    I don't think you have enough truck. My 3655RD would weigh about the same as your unit and there are only my wife and myself in the truck and we travel light - no water on board and empty holding tanks and our weights are 22,900#, based upon both CAT scale weights and individual wheel weights...
  37. C

    Valve control cable

    On my '06 BH, the center valve handle is for the shower and bathroom sink. Not sure where the tank itself is physically located on the chassis, though.
  38. C

    Checking the propane level in tanks

    Tank level indicator Just got this today from Kim Komando. Looks like a solution if you are willing to part with $30, plus shipping.
  39. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    I believe it is June 20, 2010. They will take reservations after that time as long as they have space, but no guarantee that it will be with the group. There's 200 some spaces at the park. One reason that I wanted to get a preliminary number is that I want to make sure that the space the...
  40. C

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MI, Ludington * - 08/26/2010 to 08/29/2010

    Would anyone that thinks they can make this rally please respond so I can have an idea of the interest in this. Also, when you make a reservation at Poncho's Pond, please also reply to this thread.