Search results

  1. C

    Jim B sighting....

    Think I met everyone today but Delaine and Lindy. Jim really worked hard today - at times four different people waiting to talk to him. Wished the Landmark Oakmont would have been there - was sold the day before and new owner did not wish it to be displayed at the show. Heartland units are...
  2. C

    Replacement Toilet Seats

    Poor Bette:mad:
  3. C

    HOC Member directory question

    I think that Lefty has made a good point. Leave the proper names off unless the person has personally agreed to have them included. This should work for everyone.
  4. C

    Tampa RV Show

    As are others, we are wondering what Heartland will have. I would love to see the LM Oakmont and the new Edge, but I guess that is up to the dealer(s) what will be on display.
  5. C

    New Transporter Truck

    No tie in my opinion. Mike wins, hands down.
  6. C

    HOC Member directory question

    I'll vote yes. I was a bit disappointed when I saw just the username. Understand the other side as well.
  7. C

    Mini-flood lights - over the sofa

    You're a good man, Jim. Thanks.
  8. C

    Mini-flood lights - over the sofa

    This was originally in the ATF, but was moved out. Suggest that it be moved back as the factory does not monitor all topics. Or, do a search for the Heartland phone number and call them directly. Maybe someone has that number readily at hand.
  9. C

    Kitchen gray tank valve is stuck

    Dumped again yesterday morning and used WD40 on all cables, including the stuck one. Now all work - guess I was pretty lucky this time.
  10. C

    Kitchen gray tank valve is stuck

    There seems to be no movement. Your idea of the sewer snake is something worth considering. Thanks.
  11. C

    Tampa RV Show

    You can attend any other day. At least, this was the way it worked the past two years that I have attended. Parking was about $5/day last year as I remember it.
  12. C

    Rubber roof spots

    Thanks to all for your prompt answers. I had hesitated to use Protect All as I could not find any listing of contents and was aware of not using petroleum distillates, and was not sure if Protect All did have these in it. Now that I see that it is recommended, I think I will go ahead with it...
  13. C

    Kitchen gray tank valve is stuck

    Thanks, guys. Cookie, we do dine out 95% of the time, so the kitchen dump is not critical. In fact, if my wife could have had it, there would have been a kitchen delete option and we would have gone with just a refer and a microwave. Dump handle is stuck in the open position. jmgratz...
  14. C

    Pondering Extended Warranty for my tow vehicle

    Jim, I think if I were you, I would go for the 100,000 mile plan and no less than a $100 deductible. This would give you a transferable warranty that would be good for 10,000 miles to the new owner. Since the warranty is being offered through your Ford dealer, it isn't one that you would have...
  15. C

    Florida, NY

    IF you would have used skiis for the landing legs and rear jacks, how cool that would have been.
  16. C

    Rubber roof spots

    Got up and gave the rubber roof a good cleaning with Spic 'n Span. Lots of dark spots remain. Anyone have a good method of cleaning these so it looks close to new again?
  17. C

    Kitchen gray tank valve is stuck

    Went to dump all of the holding tanks yesterday, only to find out that the kitchen sink valve was already open and stuck. Any ideas on how to get this valve working again without dropping the belly? At least it is in the open position, and since we don't use the kitchen much, it's not a major...
  18. C

    Looking at a Sundance 3200 ES and 3012 RE

    Don't know that much about the Sundance, and surely someone will answer that has one. Please be aware that Jim Beletti has posted MSRPs on all of the Heartland line and that the shows are now featuring the 2010s. You should expect a fair discount from the MSRP, so be cautious about the...
  19. C

    REALLY, What the heck were we thinking.

    Wind chill does not lower the temperature, only the way it feels to the human skin. The wind will remove heat faster, but whatever the thermometer says is what the true temperature as far as freezing and thawing is concerned. That being said, however, if your windchill is -12, it still is...
  20. C

    out side shower

    We've had outside showers in our last three units - when we had a dog, we would give him/her a bath once we got back. Pooch never minded getting a nice shower with warm water. Haven't had a pet since we bought the BH, but have used it to wash out the 5 gallon pails that we store the sewer...
  21. C

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year from Saundra and me.
  22. C

    Guidelines for posting in the Where/Plans/Sightings forum

    Hello from Tiki Village in Lakeland FL where there are three Bighorns in the park right now - three that were here from last year (when we had all at one time a total of six BHs)... - Steve Claywell with his 3055 - Al and Ruth Zimmerman with their 3670 - Saundra and me with our 3655 Been...
  23. C

    South Bound on I-75

    Thanks for the note, Marv. It was good to see you today. In fact, we also pulled off at exit 2 and saw you in line, but the line-up there was too much at the Flying J, so we headed back on SB I-75. Got to Ocala tonight - Lakeland tomorrow. Nice to see two Bighorns with plaques on their...
  24. C

    Fulltimers - Where are you wintering for the 2008/2009 season?

    And shovel and shovel and shovel some more - just in one day -day in and day out. Waiting for a break in the weather, then Florida, here we come.
  25. C

    Ice Storm/Bighorn 3670BL

    When I bought my Bighorn in 2005, the Landmark was $20,000 or so more than the Bighorn. I think the price is much closer today. If I had to do it again, I would opt for a 2010 LM Oakmont, since it is basically the same floor plan as my 3655RD, which we both like. Plus, I have one ton dually...
  26. C

    Campground Power Testing

    What to do, what to do. With limited finances and with all the tire and wheel tires I have had, I was trying to justify the Pressure Pro monitoring device. Now, for about the same money, and since I winter camp in Florida with its lightening storms, now its the surge protector. Whick one is...
  27. C

    Merry Christmas To All!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy and Properous New Year to all on the forum, and to the fine folks who make the products that join us all together.
  28. C


    What size were these tires?
  29. C

    Tampa RV Show

    Seniors on Wednesday only pay $7 for a two-day pass. Same price if you only go for one day.
  30. C


    Yes, and once you hit -40, it's the same either way.
  31. C

    Tampa RV Show

    The show is huge. I think all manufacturers will be there, but not all models. When we visited the dealer that featured Heartland units, there was at least one model of each of the brands and a couple of manufacturing reps in attendance. We've gone the last two years and will go again in...
  32. C

    Air Compressors

    Thanks for the explanation, Jim and Sasha_j,
  33. C

    Edge Discussion about early release images

    Jim, thanks for the pictures. It's a lovely, well-thought-out design. Another winner for Heartland.
  34. C


    I'm sure Gerry/Rose mean Celcius, not Farehheit. Still, it's well below zero, either way - darn cold. I was in Edmonton AB one night in January several years ago when it was about -30 Celcius (-23 F) and the rental car I had was parked in a heated hotel parking garage. As soon as I drove out...
  35. C

    Diesel Prices..........

    While diesel remains around $2.469 in the Midland MI area, regular gas increased today from $1.439 to $1.759. Crude closed yesterday around $48/bbl and has risen about $8 in the past two days. I expect diesel to go up within a couple of days.
  36. C

    Air Compressors

    Sasha, I'm curious as to why you use CO2 and not compressed air or N2?
  37. C

    Tampa RV Show

    Saundra and I are planning to go on Wednesday (senior day) and I will probably attend the following day as well, as admission gets you a second day free and seniors get a $1 discount on Wednesday. Here's a link to the show: FYI - in 2007 you could park at...
  38. C

    LCD TV Sets - Will they be damaged in freezing temperatures?

    I will be using a Toshiba 32" in the den and a Sharp 19" in the bedroom. The 19" will be wherever we are - home when it is in storage, so I didn't bother to check that one. I was planning to permanently mount the Toshiba in the den and leave it there when in storage. I looked at the owner's...
  39. C

    We are soooo thrilled!

    Congratulations - great pictures. Welcome to the Heartland family.
  40. C

    Furnace Problem

    There was at least one other thread where there were problems with the hot water heater and one solution was not to turn on the propane valve too fast, or it might block the flow of propane. Turn the valves off and turn them on slowly and see if this might solve your problem.