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  1. C

    Jim Beletti's Birthday

    Happy birthday, Jim. I was among the fortunate group that got to sing to you in person and share your birthday cake at the Michigan Rally. It was a bit early then, but the cake was delicious. The rest have to eat virtual cake, I guess, and sing a virtual "Happy Birthday" song to you.
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    Fridge isnt too cold

    At one of the North American rallies, the Dometic rep told us that as long as we were comfortable in the FW, then it was level enough to run the refrigerator. I have a slight incline in my driveway and it has never caused a problem with cooling. However, in Rvansnick's situation, I would...
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    Michigan Chapter Newsletters

    Here's Michigan's first newsletter.
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    Dick Weiker

    While we were camped at Magnus Park in Petoskey MI, a Razor came in. Met Dick Weiker and his wife - they were from Ohio. They had not heard about the forum, so I gave them a couple of websites - one for the forum and one for Heartland. Also told them about the June rally in Goshen. Nice...
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    Magnus Park - Petoskey MI

    Spent a week in downtown Petoskey at Magnus Park. It is located on Lake St right behind the hospital. Full hook-ups at $22/night plus a $4 reservation. It is a city park right on Little Grand Traverse Bay with open view of Lake Michigan. Easy walk to the beautiful downtown area.
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    Coach Movement

    Plug It Right Stabilizers I have stabliizers as well, and they are great. They are not the JT Strongarms, but are Plug It Right Stabilizers. I believe that they were about $100 less than the JTs, but work equally well. Dutch and Diana were very good to work with. Dutch even installed mine...
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    Introducing Heartland Owners Position

    That was the only way I could get my position in as well.
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    Just bought a 3300RLB

    Why not hop into your Jeep next September and come over to Poncho's Pond in Ludington for the Michigan fall rally - it's pretty close to Silver Lake. Always nice to meet fellow Heartland owners - even those who don't tow.
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    Got the new tires!

    I think you meant 14,000 lbs. And, technically, he is right, but I think you are better off at the 110 psi mark as the tire will run cooler. Unless you have had each wheel separately weighed, you can't divide your total trailer axle weight by four. 110 psi will allow a margin of error for...
  10. C

    Got the new tires!

    You got that right, and most likely, it will be on a steel wheel.
  11. C

    Airborne Pin Box

    True, but the hitch weighs hundreds of pounds. OK if you have an engine hoist or a block and tackle to lift it out. Even if you separate it into parts, they are all pretty heavy. Another thing about the Pullrite (I have one and love it) - there is an adjustment bolt at the rear of the hitch...
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    2009 Michigan Summer Rally all set (U.P. / St. Ignace) - August 28-30

    Saundra and I plan to attend. Will probably arrive Wednesday afternoon 8/26.
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    CANCELED: 2009 Michigan Fall Rally all set (Ludington) - Sept. 18-20

    As it stands right now, Saundra and I will be there. Thanks, Rick.
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    BigHorn Propane Regulator

    I thought the purging was only for new tanks. I have never seen anyone do anything but fill my tanks - Flying J, dealer, others - all the same.
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    Landmark I-75, Mi

    Tom, wonder if it was your Landmark we saw on our way back from Petoskey? We were southbound on I-75 from Gaylord to the US 127 junction near Grayling. My Dodge Megacab is inferno red and I had my Bighorn in tow.
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    Unicorn Express Tires

    Ask for the tape weights - they go on the inside, so there is no corrosion.
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    Hitch Handle Mod - Rescue Tape to the Rescue

    And, what about POS? (Oh, forget it - let's keep it clean).
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    2008 Fall Rally in Frankenmuth, MI - Sept. 18-21

    Had a great time! Many thanks! Sorry that it is taking so long to offer my thanks to Rick and Blanca and to everyone who attended. It was a great event, and we are looking forward to the two Michigan events next year, and perhaps even the Ontario one, in addition to the international rally in...
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    Potential new owner 3670

    When we are in Florida for three months, our 3500 dually is our only vehicle and my 5'2" wife has no problem driving it around town. I tell everyone, I drive it down and back and the wife drives it the rest of the time. I would have nothing but a dually after coming from a SRW.
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    Rally Service Work Feedback

    Ray, I'd like to know this answer myself. Would you please share this information with others at the forum?
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    We are heart broken!!!

    That's great news and a very good rate. Congratulations. Sure glad things worked out for you.
  22. C

    Paint overspray on rear window

    Thanks, John and Jim. Gerry, I also have added that to my favorites list.
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    Paint overspray on rear window

    Never heard of clay bar before. What is it?
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    RV Tools

    My 2006 BH only has one tool and I have used it once on the landing legs and more times than I would like to mention on the spare tire. Thank goodness that I have not had to use it on any slides (i'm knocking on wood as I type this).
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    Water Heater Aonode Rod

    I also use a 1 1/8" socket.
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    Cleaning the Awning

    Thanks, JP. As always, you have the answer. I'll certainly try it.
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    New Steps/Porch

    When we wintered in Lakeland last year, one of the Bighorn owners, Steve Claywell had a set of steps that he made from two stringers and four steps. I liked it so well that we headed off to Lowe's and purchased the materials for about $80. Mine did not have a handrail, but the steps were 10.5" X...
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    16" tires on aluminum rims on BH3400RE- ideas on replacement tires??

    Ray, have I missed something? When did Goodyear start making G614s in China? Mine clearly state that they were made in the USA.
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    Closet Door Latch

    Sorry, but I don't agree that Heartland has any responsibility for this. The latch was not something that Heartland engineered, but every other brand also had them. It was state-of-the-art until this one came out.
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    Cleaning the Awning

    I use a ladder (or stand on a picnic table) for the underneath and spray it with the generic "Scrubbing Bubbles" from the dollar stores. Let it sit for about 5 minutes, then wipe it off with a clean rag. Once the underneath has been cleaned, I lower the arms and spray the top and once again...
  31. C

    16" tires on aluminum rims on BH3400RE- ideas on replacement tires??

    When it comes to balancing, have them use the tape weights. They adhere to the inside of the rim instead of the ones that they fasten to the rim sides - they are out of view, so it leads to a nice looking installation.
  32. C

    2008 Fall Rally in Frankenmuth, MI - Sept. 18-21

    You may now remove the question mark after my name. I made a reservation at Jellystone coming in Thursday afternoon, Sept 18 and leaving Sunday, Sept 21. Thanks for the MARVAC coupon - it will save my $26. Looking forward to seeing all and having a great time.
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    Awning - how much did I just cost myself?

    I had a roller tube bend on a travel trailer several years ago because of a downpour and my insurance comprehensive paid for replacement. Fabric was only slightly torn, I offered it to a friend that has construction equipment and he was able to straighten the tube by pressing down on it with...
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    Awning - how much did I just cost myself?

    Dave, I can't answer that for you. Perhaps someone who is/was in the insurance business can. I have all vehicles and homeowners on the same policy (at that time - AAA) and I asked why the surcharge was applied to the tow vehicle instead of the trailer, and was told that it is always the tow...
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    2008 Fall Rally in Frankenmuth, MI - Sept. 18-21

    One activity that my wife does want to see is the craft fair which is that weekend, so maybe we will be doing an overnight or two.
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    Bighorn in Alaska

    Been hearing quite a bit about that town the last four days.
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    How long should I wait???

    I suspect that he may have needed to talk to Heartland and they would have been closed for the holiday weekend on Saturday. I'd be surprised if you don't hear back from the GM by Wednesday. Remember, until you actually sign a purchase agreement for it, you are in the driver's seat - you can...
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    Awning - how much did I just cost myself?

    Totally agree. It's one thing to have windstorm damage that is covered by your comprehensive and another to have collision damage. Surcharge will be applied to the tow vehicle. When I had my "problem" in 2006 with a concrete post that I embedded into my BH, the policy went up $500 the first...
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    Mr. Ellis's Lunch-- He taught me this lo many a year ago.

    Lefty, sounds a like like the hobos that we made in the scouts. If using coals from a campfire, we have found that putting an onion slice on the top and the bottom of the concoction keeps the rest from getting too burnt. Great eating, and so simple to make.
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    2008 Fall Rally in Frankenmuth, MI - Sept. 18-21

    Traveler07 I think I count 13 or 14 people in 7 rigs (this doesn't count Saundra and me as we have not made our plans as yet). Is this what you have? Living so close to Frankenmuth and visiting there a few times/year, there's not much that we haven't seen, so I/we might just do a mini-rally...