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    Simple White Envelope

    Thanks, John. It is in giving that we receive. What a wonderful story. Have a Blessed Christmas.
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    membership directory

    And the nice thing about it is that one doesn't have to be online to access it - just have his/her laptop on - or a printed copy in the glovebox.
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    Big Horn questions

    Same here - I'm 6'4" and sleep on the closet side of the bed. No height problems with my unit.
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    Finally we're legit !!

    Congratulations and welcome. I drooled so much over that 09 Landmark Augusta that was listed on eBay that I practically shorted out my laptop. Guess I love our floorplan too much.
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    Diesel Prices..........

    Regular - $1.569; Diesel - $2.669 in Midland MI tonight. Shame that diesel is $1.10/gallon more. Should be thankful that it is down from the high $4s, though. Crude today was $46/bbl.
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    States Visited Map - How to create one and add it to your signature.

    Let me ask a question about the states map. Is this supposed to be those states "visited" while we owned a Heartland product, or should it include those states since we started camping in 1975? Also, what constitutes a "visit"? We travel through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia on the...
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    Mission tires

    Got an e-mail from Steve Claywell today. Steve has a BH 3055 - almost 2 years old. He informed me that he had his second blowout with his Mission tires - this time causing $900 damage to electrical and gas line. Says he will replace the remaining two with Goodyears before he heads back from...
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    Diesel Prices..........

    $1.689 for regular, $2.799 at Speedway in Midland MI today.
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    E-Z Lube Hubs on 3500RL

    Neil, I have not done mine, and I concur with Jon's reply. I think it is good advice.
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    socket size

    Thanks, Ray. I'll keep that in mind. Of course, when I take it to the storage lot, I figure it will be out within the month, but then other things happen to change our plans. Maybe it's because we live in it in Florida for three months straight during the winter.
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    E-Z Lube Hubs on 3500RL

    Don't feel bad, Bill. I only found out about this at our fall rally. I really felt dumb after having the center in the back seat of the truck for several weeks while I was using the steel wheeled spare to run on.
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    E-Z Lube Hubs on 3500RL

    In the center of the hub part of the wheel is a plastic disc that can be lifted out to access a grease zerk. Don't use much grease, however.
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    In the BELLY OF THE BEAST. Part 1

    Mountainlovers76 - will you have to drop the belly to change the batteries in the sensors?
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    socket size

    Wonder how long "any extended time of non-use" is. Mine might sit for a couple of months at a time in storage.
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    Battery/Electrical issues

    Gmpoirier, On my '06 Dodge, it has a battery shutoff that prevents killing the battery if you leave the lights on, including the interior lights (this is kind of a pain as I like to sit in the truck and work Sudoku puzzles while my wife is shopping). Still allows a small trickle so that the...
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    socket size

    This is exactly where and how much my anode rod was eaten away when I first removed it three years ago. Still looks pretty much the same at that spot today - just more corrosion on the latter part of the rod, so it may not be necessary for you to replace it after one removal.
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    POLL: To Slide, or Not to Slide...

    Oops, I didn't look at the category this was under and thought the question was directed to moving the 5er slides manually. If posssible, take one vote off the never vote - I have an auto-slider.
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    Diesel Prices..........

    Midland MI Regular $1.86 Diesel $3.08 Sanford MI Regular $1.91 Diesel $2.98 Saginaw - Flying J Diesel $2.79
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    Bc 3500rl

    PacMan4X4 - ask someone at the dealership to crawl under the 5er. Each axle has a tag that will tell whether or not it is a 6,000# or a 7,000# axle.
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    Winter use

    Sure glad you mentioned this. Went over last week with the compressor and was surprised at how much water moved around when I blew it out. Guess I was just lucky the past three years - of course, we went down south for the winter before it got too awfully cold in Michigan.
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    Buying a 31QBS!

    Storing a trailer outside during the winter should not be a problem, although you can get storage indoors at the fairgrounds - so much/ft. If you do not have the space at your residence to store it, you may want to look at the storage lot next to Sanford Lake Bar & Grill - that's where we...
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    bottle jack/ floor jack

    I have two bottle jacks and use pieces of railroad ties under them. Floor jack would not be that helpful in my opinion as you have to jack from the frame and not the axle and it takes some height to get it high enough to remove. Once it is high enough, the second jack is helpful at the spring...
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    Heartland products are popping up everywhere

    Drove through Tawas City MI on Sunday and saw two Bighorns in the city park. Then, right next to the park was a dealer that had Bighorns and Big Countries on the lot. Nice to see so many - almost like a rally.
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    What hitch should I buy?

    While I am very happy with my Pullrite Superglide and the factory support that I have twice received, I should point out that the configuration of the Superglide requires a special plate to lock the hitch pin to the hitch so that the automatic slide works. This means that only another Pullrite...
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    Can I tow a North Trail 31QBS? 28BHS?

    Brooks, I see you are also from Midland. Who is the local dealer that you have been dealing with?
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    Corral RV Park - Dalhart Texas

    Tom and Sharol Sorry to hear of your illnesses. Hope we see you sometime this winter. We plan to be in Lakeland January-March.
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    channel search w/Jensen tv's

    davent1946 - I don't have a Jensen, but I use a Sharp HD in the bedroom. I assume that the Jensens and Sharps both use a menu that allows you to channel search for digital, analog or both - is it possible that one of your Jensen sets is set only for digital and the other one for both?
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    Winter use

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Mine is in storage right now and the lows have gotten down to the mid-20s. Getting warmer the next few days, so I best get over there with my compressor and take care of that before we really get some cold temps. Can't hardly wait to year's end and then to...
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    Big Green Egg

    Care to translate for most of the rest of us?
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    Winter use

    John, or anyone, do you use compressed air in the black water flush fitting? I didn't think of it until I saw some posts about the valve in the wall.
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    2009 Michigan Summer Rally all set (U.P. / St. Ignace) - August 28-30

    Rick, you gotta be kidding. The rally is 10 months off and you are already worrying about what to bring for the potluck at this time. Me, I'm still hoping that I survive my fourth round-trip to Lakeland FL. Once that has finished, I will worry more about late summer '09.
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    Fulltimers - Where are you wintering for the 2008/2009 season?

    Saundra and I will be at Tiki Village in Lakeland FL about 1/1 through 3/31. However, maybe I shouldn't replied as we are not full-timers.
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    Pin Box Cover?

    Think I read somewhere in the forum that it cannot be used with a TrailAir hitch pin - perhaps others.
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    info on recalls

    I wonder if Heartland was a Canadian manufacturer if it would be equally easy to import into the USA - NOT!None
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    Quick Question about 15k Hitch

    De-Solv-It Icky Sticky Stuff My wife bought this product from Walter Drake and it is the most fantastic item for removing remaining adhesive. It cleans things that Goo Gone won't even touch. It sells for $9.99 for a small bottle, but a little seems to be all that you need...
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    New from Heartland- check this out

    I see the spare tire is mounted under the front. Also, if you continue scanning down, RV Capital is offering some great prices.
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    Cost to Replace Goodyear 16 Inch (G rated) Tires.

    I have noticed the same regarding the sun-side vs the non-sun-side temperatures when we have stopped and I used the infared thermometer. And, I have seen the same results with the tire pressure gauge.
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    It attempts to stabilize the unit adding one more point to the front landing legs and the rear stabilizers. That being said, a tripod or a bi-pod will not be effective if you have a pin box that has air (like the Trail-Air) as this is a cushion that will allow movement. I used a tripod with...
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    Poll: Overall Dealership Experience

    Camping World - Houghton Lake MI Just got a sales flyer yesterday from CW in Houghton Lake and I was pleased to see that Bighorns and Sundances are being sold at that dealership. I came close to buying SOB from this firm, formerly called Burnside, and appreciated the salesman's honesty, and...
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    Fridge isnt too cold

    Thanks for the link, Jimmyt5. It was very informative.