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  1. M

    Devils tower to Cody

    I-90 to Buffalo, WY From Buffalo, take US 16 west to US 20 north to US 14 west. Haven't been that route, but plan on it sometime. Picked that up from others on the forum here. Apparently, US 14 west from just north of Sheridan is full of those horror stories you're alluding to.
  2. M

    Dont think I will buy another Heartland Product

    Endurance Tires, E-rated 16 inch.
  3. M

    Don't forget to check your spare tire on your truck.

    And if your truck requires a special key or attachment to lower the spare tire, make sure you have it and that the mechanism works. We sold our first F350 to a private party after buying our 2013. Months later, I was digging through a box of stuff and found the key that I had mistakenly cleared...
  4. M

    What could cause one tire to wear on inside of tread?

    I'm curious about the 15k miles and 25% tread remaining. According to my spreadsheet, our Sailuns have 28,315 miles on them and probably 75% tread remaining or more than 50% at least (haven't taken the tire depth gauge to them lately).
  5. M

    Map decal

    We're on our third rig and our third map. It was easier to just buy another and re-populate the states on it. The first two peeled off OK, but I wasn't sure if they would have laid flat if put on the new rig.
  6. M

    Mark your calendar - Rally Alert!

    Oh, I guess we'll try to pry ourselves out of Florida long enough to attend both rallies.
  7. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MT, Red Lodge - 9/7/2017 to 9/10/2017

    I know we've been on the list for a while now (#3), but we're officially official as of yesterday. Finally got around to making my actual reservations. See you all there! Arriving Thursday, leaving Sunday.
  8. M

    Fifth Wheel Trailer Hits Low Bridge

    I stand corrected. I just Googled "2009 Travel Supreme" and got a lot of Class A's showing up first. So it could have been a fifth wheel, though the article mentions horns as part of what got scraped off the top:
  9. M

    Need help translating

    My Wikipedia translator came up with: "O sibili si ergo, fortibus es in ero. O nobili, demis trux, si husinem, causen dux" "Oh see Billy, See her go, forty buses in a row. Oh, no, Billy, them is trucks. See who's in 'em. Cows and Ducks." There's my old favorite: MR Puppies. MR Not. OSAR...
  10. M

    Fifth Wheel Trailer Hits Low Bridge

    The thread title indicated that a "fifth wheel" hit the bridge. I can kinda see someone maybe driving on oblivious to the fact that items were scraped off the top of a towed vehicle. However, a "2009 Travel Supreme" is a diesel pusher. Driving on after hitting a bridge with the vehicle you are...
  11. M

    Tredit Tire & Wheel

    Ours was behind a spoke along the middle part of the rim. See the big bubble on the attached picture. This is looking at the rim from the back side.
  12. M

    Rear sofa hide-a-bed attached to rear wall??

    On our 3950FB, the sofa was originally screwed into the rear wall. I say originally, as after a hard stop, we found the sofa several inches away from the wall and two holes in the rear wallboard where the two screws used to be. We fixed that by putting a piece of 1x4 across the rear wall and...
  13. M

    Show us your first RV . . .

    Though we often talked about buying some type of RV through the years as the kids were growing up, we ended up camping in a 10 person tent. Thus, our first Big Country was our first RV. This picture was of it's first campground stop in September, 2012.
  14. M

    2017 Goshen Rally - Heartland Baby Blessings (HBB) & Heartland Hats & Hugs (HHH)

    Here's some pictures for you. Door prizes of unspeakable value: It wouldn't be a proper rally event without food: We had a really great turnout: This is about 3/4 of the baby blessing items: Here are all the items donated for the Hats and Hugs: Several members were asked to show...
  15. M

    2017 - Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    We had a pretty good crowd at the Draft Horse camping area watching the harness racing on the track. It was interesting to find out that all the horses and jockeys are Amish or Mennonite. They'll be racing tomorrow afternoon starting at 2:00 PM. Swing by the Draft Horse camping area adjacent to...
  16. M

    Moving the LCI Level Up Control Panel

    Also be aware that plumbing for the front bath runs in the area between the LP compartments and the storage area (i.e. just behind the front storage wall). Might pull down that front wall and make sure no plumbing will be in your way at the location you are proposing.
  17. M

    Can I run both electric and propane water heater at the same time?

    Another benefit is after you've been traveling, get all set up and find out a few hours later that nobody turned on the hot water heater. Five to ten minutes with both switches on and a shower or sink full of dishes is not a problem.
  18. M

    Can I run both electric and propane water heater at the same time?

    Should be fine. We do that under the same circumstances from time to time and haven't seen any ill effects.
  19. M

    For those towing with a Ford F-350 Lariet 4x4 .....

    The only note I would add is that most of the tow ratings given for the SRW models often had an asterisk next to them. Looking at the qualifier, it usually said "with 18" wheels". While both the 18" and 20" tires are the same diameter, they were basing their higher tow ratings on the 18's.
  20. M

    2017 - Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    We came right up into Goshen on US 33. We took a chance and turned onto Monroe (the one with construction). They've paved back over the lane they dug up and it is no longer very narrow. While the westbound lane is still blocked at the tracks (leaving the fairgrounds), coming in that way is no...
  21. M

    We Lost Our Son

    So sorry for you both. Sending prayers your way.
  22. M

    Welcome New Members - Texas West chapter

    Re: Welcome New West Texas Chapter Members! Welcome from a couple more West Texas Chapter members. Hope to see you folks at the next rally or get-together.
  23. M

    3650BH wheel max pressure

    For what it's worth, our Big Country has the same wheels. 110 PSI. Again, like Dan said, best you verify yourself on your own wheels (especially if they don't look like the others posted here), but I'd give 99% odds yours are 110PSI as well.
  24. M

    Goodyear G rated tires

    I think you'll find on the forum that we've only had, I believe, one report of a Sailun tire failure. Heartland has been putting them on the heavier fifth wheels since, generally, the 2015 model year (2014 builds, essentially). Not sure why you would be losing that much pressure in that short a...
  25. M

    Goodyear G rated tires

    I am too, since the trailer listed is a 2018 Cyclone. (The Heartland website lists "ST235/85R16-G" for the tires and a close look at the pictures posted for the unit shows that they are Sailuns).
  26. M

    2017 Goshen, IN - Driving Route / Directions

    Here's a live roadcam screenshot from just west of the fairgrounds.
  27. M

    2017 - Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    We'll probably head up to Rise 'n Roll and E&S Sales on Saturday if you want to follow or ride along. Also, if you go on the Amish Tour bus, they will often stop at Rise 'n Roll. At least they did in 2015. Pro tip: The cinnamon/caramel donut is the one you seek.
  28. M

    Trim under bedroom shrunk

    When they install that strip, they tuck each end over and attach it pretty tight. I found that pulling it loose from one end or the other (preferably the lower end) and running it back into the channel will allow it to expand or contract naturally. Better yet, as I had the strip pulled out, I...
  29. M

    2017 Goshen, IN - Driving Route / Directions

    Re: 2017 - Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread Those maps show best route coming in from the north or west. How about for us folks coming up 33 from the south? Drive through town up to Lincoln, turn right and follow the rest of the route that way?
  30. M

    Pin box Swap

    Also note that if you want a stock pinbox to put on your current trailer while you wait for the new one, there will most likely be at least one person that upgrades their pinbox at the rally and needs a place to get rid of their old pinbox. I know we did back in 2015.
  31. M

    Keeping pantry drawers in

    We use magnetic child safety locks on several cabinets that tend to want to open in transit. Should be available at most big box department stores (i.e. Walmart, Target, etc.) Here's a link to them at That should work to keep the outside pantry door shut.
  32. M

    New Unlimited* Plans from AT&T

    Thanks for the update. We're still watching this plan and this thread. Interested in hearing from more folks on their experiences.
  33. M

    blue indicator lights on power cord.

    Yes it did. However, our rig was a dealer demo for almost a year before we bought it, so who knows which cord ended up coming with it.
  34. M

    blue indicator lights on power cord.

    We have that cord with our current Big Country. At one point in time I plugged into a 50 amp circuit and only one LED came on. Knowing I have a EMS, I figured I'd look at the display to see if anything was amiss. We had 120V on each of two legs. A few days later, we hooked up again and both LEDs...
  35. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    We actually have the small four-drawer dresser in our closet. The drawers in there use the same pulls as the rest of the cabinets. Since they're hidden behind clothes in the closet, we're planning on using a couple of those and replacing the closet pulls with something generic. The color match...
  36. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Since replacing our RV stereo with a separate home receiver, and replacing the small built-in speakers with a pair of bookshelf speakers, we've been looking at that dead spot between the counter-top and the fireplace on our entertainment center for quite a while. I finally started tearout of the...
  37. M

    Indianapolis to Goshen 4H campground, What's your favorite?

    We take I-69 up to Ft. Wayne, then US 33 to Goshen.
  38. M

    2nd Annual Regional Beer Tasting Event

    Speaking of, we found some at a local liquor store here in the Nashville area as well as picking up some various "craft" root beers at Cracker Barrel. We shouldn't run out of anything this year.
  39. M

    The all new 2019 Ford-O-Let

    On that inset picture, it almost looks like a complete two-bar grill from an '11-'16 Ford SD.