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  1. M

    2016 F350 Towing Questions

    It will downshift each time you ease into the brakes in Tow/Haul. I guess the theory is that if you stop hitting the brakes that you've got it where you want it. To be honest, I haven't tried manual yet with the exhaust brake on our '16, but you can shift to "M" and control exactly what gear you...
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    What did you do to your camper today?

    Had our rear A/C unit replaced today by Beach RV mobile technicians here in Panama City Beach, Florida. If you are ever in the area and need some work done, give them a call. Great to deal with. Now sitting in my cool living room.
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    Residentual refrigerator doors not staying closed

    We use a velcro strap around the bottom of both handles. When not in transit, we hang the strap on the door using a magnetic clip so we know where it is without having to hunt for it.
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    We generally run 65. With 75 mph rated tires (Sailuns), that leaves some headroom for passing, etc. Nice thing about 65 is most all cars and a majority of trucks are going to be going faster. I'd rather let them pass me than to have to be passing others all the time.
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    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: KY, Georgetown - 9/16/2016 to 9/18/2016

    We'll miss seeing you, Ken and Faye. Thanks for your service as KY chapter leaders. We're going to go ahead to KY anyway, but have moved our reservations over to the Kentucky Horse Park campground. If anyone else is interested in following suit, we could possibly still make it a campout.
  6. M

    Battery Servicing?

    You should be fine. For safety, I'd turn off any of the disconnects above the battery box (round, red knob). Should be one of them unless you have a residential refrigerator, then there are probably two. Don't forget to cut them back on when you are finished.
  7. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: KY, Georgetown - 9/16/2016 to 9/18/2016

    For those interested in horse racing, and in particular the triple crown record holder Secretariat, the annual Secretariat festival is being held the same weekend as the rally. It is in Paris, KY, which is only 17 miles east of Georgetown on US 460. Their website [LINK] hasn't been updated for...
  8. M

    How many owners have had their dometic A/C replaced recently due to failure?

    Mobile tech looked at ours yesterday, then did a amp draw test on it. When the compressor was running, it was only drawing 9-10 amps. He said that means that the freon has leaked out since a compressor having to compress freon would draw 12-13 amps (or more). He had the replacement approved and...
  9. M

    Give Me 40 Acres

    For the brief time we were towing the front bath unit (42'), this is about how I felt, especially at back-in sites. All the extra length of those units is ahead of the axles. It's amazing what difference just two less feet between the pin and the axles makes when backing into sites, let alone...
  10. M

    Cost of Fixing Campground WiFi

    In related news, we had AT&T replace our MiFi unit due to terribly slow speeds (down and up) while we were in Florida this January. In one case, I did a speedtest on my laptop while it was running off our MiFi with 4 bars of 4G LTE. I was getting around 2-3 Mbps down and up. I switched to using...
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    Extremely Concerned about Heartland Customer Service

    RV.NET - They have separate forums for all the various products. I posted my "disappointment" with their insurance handling my wrecked trailer last fall and got lots of fast response.
  12. M

    Heartland family to the rescue.

    They were here at Ft. Toulouse in Wetumpka, Alabama. Their truck clutch went out. The Ford dealer in Clanton had them fixed in less than 24 hours. I took Wayne back up to pick it up this morning. They pulled the rig out after lunch and headed down to the Alabama rally only a day late. They...
  13. M

    Heartland family to the rescue.

    We almost didn't stop since we were getting close to home. So glad we did. We had so many offers of help and assistance from various club members after our wreck last fall. When we saw the situation today we didn't hesitate to offer to help out. HOC members are the best!
  14. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Our Big Country was getting a little long in the tooth, so we picked up a new Bighorn today. Actually, just kidding. It's Wayne and Anita Cooper's rig. I'm sure they'll jump in soon to explain why we're hitched up to it.
  15. M

    Low Voltage error on Lippert Control Panel that runs stabilizers

    In addition to checking battery cables and connections, check the water level in the batteries. I was negligent in doing so and had to recently buy two new batteries for my rig. It was often tripping the 50 amp manual reset breaker when we were pulling up jacks.
  16. M

    How many owners have had their dometic A/C replaced recently due to failure?

    I will post ours if they decide it needs to be replaced. Would be interesting to see if we can spot a trend.
  17. M

    Leak that I can not find the source

    Based on that floor plan and location, there is no plumbing nearby. This is just inside the door to the right. Nearest plumbing would be in the half bath on the other side of the steps. Front bath plumbing generally runs between the front basement wall and the front storage compartment. This...
  18. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Installed our new RV Snap Pads today. Did the drainage mod before we snapped them on the landing gear. Bought a single Forstner bit at Lowe's on sale for $4 to drill the holes. Definitely made for a clean hole.
  19. M

    Ever heard of my hitch?

    "Carlisle Magnum", run through Google, tends to only come back with results referring to a wine bucket. Removing the quotes (so it is a less exact search) does pretty much the same. Adding the word "hitch" to the mix comes up with several brands of receiver hitches (they apparently like the word...
  20. M

    How many owners have had their dometic A/C replaced recently due to failure?

    Add us to the list. 2015 Big Country with an October, 2014 build date. Rear unit is blowing room temperature air. Unfortunately, there are no mobile repair techs in the area. Fortunately, there are in Panama City, where we will be next (in a couple weeks). Also, we're on a very shady site and...
  21. M

    Would Like Info On Minnesota Rally

    For what it's worth, I tried clicking on the link and got a "you're not allowed" message. Maybe a board moderator could look into it.
  22. M

    Cooling Fan Installed in Cabinet

    Gotcha. It's funny that my modern home theater receiver (that is currently in our storage unit) ran really warm, regardless of usage. Now I have a vintage (1971-era) receiver that, so far, hasn't even gotten warm. I can run it with the overhead door closed completely.
  23. M

    Cooling Fan Installed in Cabinet

    Something we did in our overhead cabinet to encourage air exchange was to mount a couple thick rubber bumpers on the bottom corners of the door so it closes leaving a small gap along the bottom.
  24. M

    help on brakes--service advise questionable

    When we picked up our current trailer from the dealer and did a pull test in their lot, the brakes, with the controller set to 10, would barely stop the trailer enough in either direction to do a proper pull test. After a couple hundred miles of travel, with several stops (heavy traffic when we...
  25. M

    Show off your towing rig!

    In a rare moment when it has actually been clean (shortly after its last car wash). 2016 F-350 King Ranch DRW 4x4. Bronze Fire Metallic over Caribou. Roll-n-lock bed cover, B&W Companion hitch, Ford mud guards front and rear. Otherwise stock.
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    Don't need no stinkin' 4WD dually!

    What's funny is that we full-timed with two different 4x2 duallies over the course of 3 years and never got stuck. When we had to buy a new truck last fall we ended up with our current 4x4. We've had to use the 4x4 twice already.
  27. M

    Bighorn vs Big Country

    Re: Bighorn vs BigCountry Quality and craftsmanship are essentially the same. They're both made on the same assembly line with, generally, the same components. Bighorns have more standard equipment than the Big Country.
  28. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: TN, Chattanooga - 9/23/2016 to 9/25/2016

    We'll be there. I need to get reservations made. We might be staying at that park on our way from KY to AL in a little over a week.
  29. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: KY, Georgetown - 9/16/2016 to 9/18/2016

    I'll need to call them yet, but we'll be there. I'll even try to stay out of the hospital this time. Also, funny side note, whenever I call to make reservations there for a stay, they still show me as being with the Heartland group.
  30. M

    EVENT: Heartland Regional Rally: PA, New Holland - 7/21/2016 to 7/24/2016

    Reservation booked for 7/19 - 7/24. Site #1547. See everyone there!
  31. M

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: MD, College Park - 6/17/2016 to 6/19/2016

    Site booked for 6/12 - 6/19 so we can do some visiting around our nation's capitol. See everyone there!
  32. M

    Jim's Rally Scrambled Eggs

    That's what I get for skimming. :rolleyes:
  33. M

    Jim's Rally Scrambled Eggs

    I don't see any mention of when to add the cheese. Did you miss a step?
  34. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    I could digitize them all (as a matter of fact, my turntable has a USB output to do just that). But as someone else pointed out, we specifically have a turntable and, more recently, a vintage receiver for playing our music on. I do have a lot more music on digital. The vinyl thing has just been...
  35. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Decided to build a pull-out drawer to store record albums in. Tried to leave the shelf in but there just wasn't enough clearance. Since I needed the entire width of the opening, I took the hinges off the door and attached it to the front of the drawer. We tried to use a standard depth drawer...
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    Dryer Vent Hose Install

    You can do an "up and over" like we did. Doesn't look the best, but it doesn't have a low point. Our dryer puts a decent amount of lint out the vent.
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    Technically, yes. However, the loan on the trailer in the shop is paid so far ahead that the next payment due date is in mid-2017. - - - Updated - - - Actually, several do. We have Blue Sky on our current rig and their replacement coverage is actually heads above what NG offers. NG will price...
  38. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Good job. If you ever trade trailers, you can pull the EMS and your extra wire out and wire up the next one. We're on our third trailer and the original EMS has been carried forward each time.
  39. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    I was surprised to see how much these run on Ebay. Looking through the sold listings, people were giving $150 to $200 for them on an as-is basis. I feel pretty lucky finding this one for $5.
  40. M

    What did you do to your camper today?

    Got the "new" receiver installed in a more permanent location in the overhead cabinet. I built a shelf in there so that all the other electronics (Apple TV, Blu-Ray player, Mac Mini computer) still had a place to call home. Despite how it looks, there is adequate airflow around the receiver...