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  1. F

    Tv mount change bh 3585 rl

    Just completed installing a full motion tv mount puchased at sams, now we can watch tv, in the recliners looking at the tv instead of the side view it workes great. About a hour and half labor. I used straps like on bedroom tv, to tie it down when on the road
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    Our new 3585rl issues

    Just stayed a week in ours, bathroom sink faucet leaked inside the cabinet when turn on, didnt leak when off. I replaced it eather tv did not work off the air, all the other campers could get 9 channels tryed with booster on or off bed room door will not latch tried to put water in fresh...
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    where to install inverter?????

    looks like a easy fix
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    where to install inverter?????

    Thanks for the advice . I just looked at the transformer on my res-med auto cpap it has a 24 volt output so looks like i must go with the 110 volt plug it has a heated humidifer, that may be the reason for the 24 volts instead of 12
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    where to install inverter?????

    we are picking up our new bh 3585 rl monday. i need to install a 600 watt inverter to run a cpap machine. would it be better to put the inverter in storage area next to the battery and run wire to bedroom to plug into. or put inverter in bedroom and run heavy cables to battery. then I could plug...
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    Wonder where it is??

    Pharr rv lubbock tx
  7. F

    Wonder where it is??

    I am sure all the snow and ice in the north east has slowed down delivery, i am so glad we are in a warmer part of usa. Its real dry here, no moisture of any kind since aug. My son in law was raised in three rivers, his dad was a pastor there
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    Wonder where it is??

    My new 3585 is lost somewhere between the factory and dealer in lubbock tx. Hope its not in a snow bank somewhere
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    Propane pick-up hose leaking.

    I think i need some for my tool box, i dont know how i have missed this product, i will look for some in local stores thanks for the info.
  10. F

    Propane pick-up hose leaking.

    What is rescue tape?? I have seen it on several threads
  11. F

    2011 Model Year Bighorn Changes

    If you go to they have pictures of the new big horn 3585rl and new 3610 re . The 3610 is the one we ordered and when it came in did not like the bathroom, so we reordered and got a 3585 waiting for it to come in last of jan
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    changes 3585 rl

    Are there any changes in the 3585 rl bathroom?? Or any major changes in this trailer design. I need to find a trailer to order ,since we canceled the 3610re after it came in and saw the bathroom.
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    Canceled trailer new 3610 re

    on the heartland web site, there is a link to facebook, several of the new floor plans are there
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    Canceled trailer new 3610 re

    We were really looking forward to getting this new trailer, old bathroom plan is one reason we ordered it, now, it is not very user friendly. It looks good on paper. Just does not work for us. We would have taken old floor plan in a heart beat. Like a lot of things the more they are improved...
  15. F

    Canceled trailer new 3610 re

    We ordered a 3610 re, drove 100 miles to look at it, yesterday, came home, and after a sleepless night called and canceled the trailer. Wife did not like the new bathroom. It is not made for a ladies drssing area the door swings in, not out as posted the floor plan showed. So door opens in to...
  16. F

    pictures of changes???

    when will we see pictures of new larger shower,cabinet colors. and counter top color, has any been posted yet???
  17. F

    Confirm length of current production 3610RE

    I talked to sales team today at big horn . Length and pin weight are same, the bed room slide extends 32 in to make larger bed room, it has the larger shower. They have added a storage drawer under the bed. The kitchen pantry is still there, even though it does not show in floor plan. Color of...
  18. F

    Anyone need a discount on a new GM tow vehicle?

    Would you like my bank account and credit card number too!!!!
  19. F

    Confirm length of current production 3610RE

    They must not know the answer to my question, that is why the dealer doesnt know either. I would like to know the new pin weight, but that would be a hard one too
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    Confirm length of current production 3610RE

    with all the new changes in the trailers, is the 3610 re the same length??
  21. F

    Please confirm change in 3610RE

    just saw a picture via camera phone, kitchen pantry is still there
  22. F

    Please confirm change in 3610RE

    i sure wish we had odered sooner, would have if we had know about these changes. i havent seen many good post about bathroom change. i spend only 10 minutes in the shower every day so. the old shower was fine. i am a pretty large boy. some times i wonder if the people who think these things up...
  23. F

    Please confirm change in 3610RE

    If floor plans are to scale bedroom slide may stick out a little futher, looks to be a little more room between bed and dresser thanks for your replies I may be worried about nothing. seems like a lot of changes since we ordered our trailer
  24. F

    Please confirm change in 3610RE

    when i talked to kary at big horn i understood that the bedroom slide was going to extend 8 in futher out, but now I am not sure. If that pantry is gone, it killed that trailer for me. too many changes from what I ordered
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    Please confirm change in 3610RE

    I have heard that the kitchen pantry that backed up to the bathroom wall has been done away with true or not ?????????????? BH 3610 re
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    Frisco texas

    We stayed at destiny rv park in denton 2 weeks ago, nice park. Went to frisco about 15 miles
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    Construction time ?

    Thanks for the reply. I had no idea how long it would take to build one. I would love to be able to take a factory tour some day. We have a BH 3610 on order, I think it will be built next week.
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    Construction time ?

    After construction starts, how long does it take to build bh trailer, days weeks??
  29. F

    Bedroom changes in late 2011 model-year Bighorns

    just talked to Kary at Heartland the new bedroon slide will be 8 in longer, to make room more open:):) and they have added a drawer under the bed. these sound like good changes in BH 3610 RE
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    bathroom fan switch

    i would like a fan switch, by the light switch in bathroom, so when you are reading paper and wife yells turn on the fan, it would be in reach
  31. F

    Anyone use a CPAP machine while camping ???

    i have a 600 watt pure sine wave inverter, 2 batterys on trailer, my c pap works great its a rem star auto
  32. F

    Bathroom change

    One week after ordering bh 3610 re, cherry cabinets was deleted,kitchen flooring has been changed, today learned, door from bathroom to bedroom has been deleted in favor of larger shower. We studied long and hard on color, bath, and floors, before we ordered, now we have no idea what we ordered...
  33. F

    chairs and couch

    I would like to see a rear lounge trailer that you could switch the chairs and couch, so the chairs would be in front of tv and couch in the back of rv
  34. F


    oak and cherry wood are out, mapel and pecan are in just ordered BH 3610 RE IN MAPLE