Search results

  1. D

    Road Issues in Cincinnati

    According to a report in the Cincinnati Enquirer the bridge on I-471 southbound is closed due to a fire. Since this is another route over to Kentucky, it may increase the traffic on the I-71/I-75 Brent Spence Bridge. So anybody heading south, be aware of possible heavier traffic there...
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    New Roof

    We finally had the Flex Armor roof installed last week on the Road Warrior. Pic 1 is the old roof Pic 2 is the prep work Pic 3 is the finally spray pic 4 is every thing back on the roof
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    TSD Card

    It appears Love's has started increasing the TSD discounts.
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    And there is one left .......

    I know this has nothing to do with RVing. But for me, a Navy Vet, it is an event, the attack on Pearl Harbor, that needs to be remembered. Ken Potts has passed away; he was one of the last two survivors of The USS Arizona. RIP sailor
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    News Article Concerning RV's

    Here is an article I ran across on another forum: interesting reading
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    5-person couch from our Road Warrior for sale

    We are replacing our couch with a new one of different color, yes remodeling in progress. Two of the backs have a small section where it is flaking, other 3 sections, no issues. Two of the sections are in our storage trailer and have not been used for 3 years. If interested get in touch here or...
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    Adding solar

    Well after this last incident we have decided to start looking into adding solar power to the 2018 Road Warrior. Story is: We were at the Palms Springs Thousand Trails Park from April 1st to April 10th. On Wednesday there was an incident that the park shut off all electrical power to the park...
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    MORryde IS

    The last week of October 2020 we spent at MORryde having the IS installed on our 2018 Road Warrior. We then took off for our trip south and west and ended in Arizona. We left Benson, Arizona on our way to Goodyear, Arizona (west Phoeniz). When pulling off into a truck stop my husband, David...
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    RV Show in Glendale Arizona at the Cardinals Stadium

    Well yesterday we went to the RV Super Show at the Cardinals Stadium out here. We seen several different models of Heartland RVs including Bighorn, Landmark, Cyclone, Torque, Milestone. At the show was 5 Big Horns, 3 Landmarks, 1 Cyclone and 10-12 Torques, 1 Milestone.. The show was sponsored by...
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    Big Modification for the Road Warrior

    Well today at around noon we dropped the Road Warrior off at Morryde for the installation of the Independent Suspension. We are suppose to get her back on Friday morning. We could had stayed in the RV at night but during the work hours we had to be out of the rig. Plus the fact they start at 6...
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    USS Indianapolis CA -35 75 years ago today

    With our units being made in Indiana I thought this story would relate to what we enjoy and love doing today, please read and think about her and her crew: On July 30, 1945 the USS Indianapolis was running from delivering the A-bomb to the Philippines to get ready for the invasion of Japan. At...
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    Broken spring hanger

    Well we broke a spring hanger. Funny the way it happen, we pulled into Elkhart County Fairgrounds on Friday afternoon, and who is the first people we see, Performance Trailer Braking. Sit down and talked to them and during the conversation told them we were going to Affinity RV for repairs and...
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    Hope they did not have too much damage

    We were traveling south on I-71 in Ohio at the 69 mile marker. When we reached the rest stop at the 67 MM I seen a Sanibel sitting in the parking area. We were traveling around 65 MPH. This Sanibel caught up and passed us at around the 43 MM, about 25 miles later. They went around us probably...
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    Replacing cable to release recliner on 5 person couch

    The "D" ring cable broke on the 5 person couch in our unit. It is the left hand seat, nearest the fridge. I have a replacement cable, but I looked under the seat to try to figure out how the cable runs. But the seat has a cover under it that does not allow me to follow the cable run. Any ideals...
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    RV Security Camera to monitor front door

    Wife and I are talking about a security camera style for our RV. We are looking at the "Ring" type of device, so we can see who comes to the door. Any ideals or advice as to how this may work or advice on what type to use for this application?
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    Caution decal

    We added the "Caution" decal after our return home from down south this past June. Yes we had issues with individuals coming up and cutting us off while trying to turn. Hoping that these individuals can read. Our friends Mark and Linda Comer made the decal for us and installed it over the...
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    sound bar for the summit tv

    which brand of sound bar will work for the summit tv in the Road Warrior 427? We have tried several from Best Buy but their Geek Squad is beating their heads on the wall, never heard of summit first thing. So wondering how to hook up a sound bar and which one to buy
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    Fridge temp

    Simple question How do I adjust the temp on the freezer? It is set at -2 and items in the fridge in the slide out drawer freezes. When I place bottles of water in here they freeze up. I would like to adjust the temp so we can use this drawer. The fridge is in our 427, residential French door...
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    Satellite TV question for 2018 RW 427

    Alright I hooked up the Pathway 2 to the Wally (direct) and had it working good. Went to hook up using UDC and can not get it to work. What I found after I pulled the tv and back board off is the cable coming in is gray. Pulled the UDC connection and the cable is orange. So I am thinking there...
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    Remove TV in 427 Road Warrior

    We have a 2018 427. I am trying to hook up the HDMI cable and others to the back of the tv above the fireplace. Question is how do you remove the tv to get to the back of the tv? Any advice from those before me.
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    Need some advice on some things in the 2018 427

    I need some advice on the 2018 427 RW. 1) any ideals for a screen door leading out the side patio? 2) where did everybody place their satellite receivers for the living room TV? 3) where did everybody place their satellite receiver for the outside TV on the side patio? 4) trying to figure out...
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    New Road Warrior 427b owners

    WE just picked up our 427 on Friday 10-20-2018