I bought "trailer aid" double throw down ramp. You know, the one that has the extra height. Well I found out it wont work on concrete or with Mor/Ryde suspension. It wont lift the Horn high enough....all 4 tires still touching the ground. When trying to pull the trailer onto it....it just slid across the concrete, smashed all the bottom bolts and caved in the sides of it on the bottom. So thats my take on them and I'm out $65.00.
Well Larry, I just calls them as I see's them. Getting to old to be shy. Got to spread the word about useless stuff while Im still breathing. Got to edjimcate the young ones ya know. That way they don't hav-ta step in all the horsey poop I did.
Hows this for shy. After seeing a $65.00 broken yellow pile of plastic under the tires of the HORN. My 1st though was to find there office, tie a brick to the thing and throw it through the front window. BUT, alas, I didn't.....seemed like too much work. BTW, the statement on the box say........"it will lift every coach high enough to change a tire". REALLY....not mine it won't. Maybe HL built mine wrong. NOT
I was told that you are not to use the axel for jacking purposes............ I have on other trailers.