Hi everyone,
Want to let everyone know that the Michigan Chapter of the Heartland Owners Rally is all set as follows:
Date: Sept. 18-21,2008
Location: Frankenmuth, MI
CG: Jellystone Park - Ph. # 989-652-6668 -
Google Map: Link
Site Fee: $TBD
Notes: I was informed that this is the weekend of their Octoberfest so the campground fills fast. Please make your reservations directly with the CG and
do so early and let them know you're with the Heartland Owners Group so we can park together. After you make your CG reservations, please drop me a PM or post a reply in this thread that you are confirmed so I can add you to the attendee list below.
Hope to see you there! Thank you.
Michigan Chapter Leader
Attendee list:
1. Rick and Blanca Jagiello [TRAVELER07]
2. Jim Beletti [Jim Beletti]
3. Ken and Kathy Strong [katkens]
4. Jon and Patti Holbert [jnphobe]
5. Mike and Machelle [mike3fan]
6. Wayne and Gayle Wilson [wfwilson]
7. Larry and Joann McCullen [jolar3329]
8. Dave and Mary Hromek [cookie]
9.Chuck and Saundra Batcke [cdbMidland]
10.Russ and Bonnie Eicho [Russbonbon]
Rick has given us a link to a coupon sheet that has a discount coupon that appears to be usable at the Frankenmuth Jellystone CG.
(click image to download a PDF version of the coupon sheet - then print it out)