2008 Rally - Branson, Missouri - June 12-15, 2008 - General Thread


Well-known member
Jay and Ricky,

I updated your registration to reflect your arrival of June 12 and departure of June 17. Note though that my changing it in your registration is not a critical step. More just a record keeping thing.

What is really important is that you make your change with the KOA to ensure they a spot reserved for your post-rally nights of Sunday and Monday.

Looking forward to seeing you guys again and sorry we'll miss you at Lamberts for the pre-rally, on-your-own, strap-on-the-feed-bag dinner on the 10th.



Legendary Member
Tom, we'll be looking forward to going to Lambert's with you and Judy.

Jim, both Ricky and I have called the KOA to change our arrival and departure dates. I think we're good to go!

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member
Hi Folks,

Let the fun begin. We are sitting in our spot (178) along with Bob and Christina & Macky The Wonder Dog (177) waiting for everyone. Weather is fine, place is nice but lacking the other Heartland owners.

See y'all soon.
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Past Heartland Ambassador
Hey Tom...we're jealous. Still in VA at a FMCA rally (we're vendors)...can't wait to get out of here first thing Sunday morning! See you soon.


Well-known member
Christina - my other sister! Can't wait to see you and Bob and Ken and Kathy and 53 other sets of rig owners.

See y'all on Sunday afternoon.



Active Member
I hope you all have a great time in Branson. My mother-in-law lives about 5 miles outside of town. We are up here in Alaska but will be with you all in spirit. We are moving back to Missouri next summer so maybe we can make the 2009 Rally, depending on where it is held. Be sure to eat some fried okra for me at Lamberts. EXCELLENT FOOD and watch for those rolls flying!!!!1


Legendary Member
We leave Wednesday morning for Branson. It will probably take us a little longer to get there because we're going to stop and pick up aluminum cans along the road to help pay for the diesel fuel......LOL

I'm ready to go now, but they keep chaining me to this desk and making me work. Can't wait for next year when I retire.


Well-known member
Hey Jay.....you better hope those cans are gold plated after todays market jump!!!
Just tanked up for the trip................I figure probably another 6 or 7 tanks before I arrive back home. This going to be painful!


Well-known member
Guys I'll miss you at the rally, was really looking forward to meeting everyone from the forum. And, please keep on giving your friendly and knowledgeable advice to those like me that have been completely bewildered before. Maybe Next Year.


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
We're here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Linda,Amanda,Justin and I are finally here. We did the travelling over 2-1/2 days. Thursday after work I was so anxious that I decided we should leave then instead of Friday morning. So we went about an hour from home to a KOA that we used to go to years ago and that was nice. At 7:00 Friday morning we headed ot towards St. Louis were we stayed at the Casino Queen Rv park. That was interesting. We had very bad storms and tornado warnings for a while but by morning everything cleared up. So Saturday we took off around 8:00 Ohio time and headed towards Camping World in Springfield MO. Hung around there for a bit and finally to the Branson KOA. We called ahead and talked to Stacey Frank and let him know we were on our way. He was up front and ready when we showed up. We got our rig weighed and into the park we went. No sooner than we got pulled into our spot, here comes TomYPSI to introduce himself and welcome us to the campground. Soon Christine Seaman stopped by to say hey. We also met another couple who are in a Bighorn 3670 with their little pup. Went to dinner next door and finally a dip in the pool to cool off. So far so good. It will be nice to see all the others come in during the week.

Later all,


Just an Old Jarhead
Lizzy and I are in Pueblo, Co. visiting my sister. Will leave here monday morning. See you all Weds night or Thurs. morning.
Fred and Lizzy.

Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member

We arrived about an hour ago. We are in site 8.

Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member
As far as I know that is where I will be until I leave. I guess the exercise I get going to the meeting area, will offset the food I eat while I am here.


Committed Member
Ok guys I wanted to come really bad but something came up. I HAD A BABY :). She is great! she was little of 5ib brown hair and blue eyes. She got her moms looks thank god LOL.

Take a look at Story Anne French!

http://www. reidhosp. com/healthcare_services/reid_babies/index. cgi/details?baby_id=6446

:rolleyes: Here is the corrected link for Joe's Baby girl:


I guess we can give the excited Daddy a free pass on this one!!

Congratulations to both Mommy & Daddy!