2008 Southwest Regional (Houston, TX) Spring Rally - Being Planned...


Well-known member

Thank you for attending Jay's rally. It was nice to spend more time with you this time. You sure know your exotic birds. Congrats on the baby on the way too. Thanks for the hats and goodies. Bill and Ornell seem REAL happy with their Cape Cod too - way to go.

Take care,



Legendary Member
You know, Joe has done an excellent job. I appreciate his help and support and look forward to having him closer to us than Katy!


Active Member
Thank you Jim, and I cant wait for the next time. Jay you keep feeding me like that and I will help any way I can LOL.


Legendary Member
The other club that I am wagonmaster of has a saying that they are an eating club with an RV disorder. We always have a good time!

Looking forward to the International rally in Branson and the fall rally at Rayford.


New Heartland Owners

Sorry we missed you guys this time. Good news we sold the boat. And we just ordered The new Bighorn. Warren and I were packing up the boat, fixing something’s up for the new owner and moving into our 17ft trailer so we didn’t make it up there this time. Hopefully we will not have to wait to long for the big one. We are staying at Bayou Campground in Dickinson, Texas. We are close to you Jay.

We are now Heartland Owners

Kathy & Warren Feray



Legendary Member
Warren and Kathy, I know exactly where you are living now. I have some other friends that are there too.

We'll be looking for you the next time we have a rally, which will be in October.


We are here in Rockport Texas for the winter we come from Maine we might be leaving to go back to maine around this time we have a bighorn 3580 and would like to know more about the rally. Bob & Deb Cornish thanks