2013 Big Country literature?


Senior Question Asker
Does anyone have a copy of the latest information (features and options, etc) about the Big Country? I have a brochure but am unsure how old it is and the main Heartland website never seems as up to date as the information I get here. I think they improve things so fast in the factory that the marketing department has a hard time keeping up. :cool:



Hello Alice

Sarah and I just purchased our 2013 Big Country 3650 about 3 weeks ago. As far as a brochure of makes,models and options you should be able to download from the Heartland web site or visit your nearest dealer. We purchased the "Gold Edition" with all options except W/D. Look at RV Wholesale on line and they have most of the info and pics. Good luck with your new rig. We have had a "few" problems but nothing heart stopping! You'll always have this with anything new but as much as they cost...I DON"T WANT NO PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!



Senior Question Asker
Thanks for the input.

When we were looking at the literature, it was March. All we could find was 2012 information, but all these dealers were trying to sell us a 2013. We ordered a 2013 and I'm praying that they didn't change anything that I loved about the 2012. Most specifically, the space around the bed. That's nonnegotiable in my opinion. And when we asked about the important details, we sort of got a pat on the head.

For what it's worth, if a next year model is available I think it's important to update the literature immediately and make it available immediately. Not an easy task. I'm in marketing, I get it. But it would sooth new buyers to know exactly what they're getting. So many of these units are purchased sight unseen. Prompt updates and complete information re: what's new, would go a long way in my comfort level with buying a product this expensive.

When we were shopping, the Heartland website didn't even have photos of certain models! Yet I can go on zappos.com and see no less than five photos and a video of a purse.

Just some food for thought. We did appreciate the literature (tags and stickers) in the heartland RVs we saw. Really highlighted the selling features.

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Eric and Alice

We also looked at the 3690 and really liked it but after sleeping on it we went for the 3650. It was coming off of the assembly line and we bought it "unseen". No regrets on that part but we have had issues with the overhead cabinet doors pulling loose from the left hinge. Having camped only 12 nights in the coach we were upset. I found this is an easy fix and I'll take care of it myself. The only tight area is in the bedroom around the bed. We have the king size but have loads of bed space. Overall love this coach!


Senior Question Asker
Glad to hear it Sajo! Our 'baby' is ready. Just got the call. Can't wait to go pick her up and get on the road.


As my Daddy would say "have fun kids". Hope to meet up with ya'll one day. Keep us in touch..
