Re: 2013 Landmark w/Windgard Satellite Prep Package
Just looking for input and opinions on changing our OFF/AIR TV antenna to a combo Off/Air Winegard Satellite combo unit. Our unit is prewired for the Upgrade to a satellite but we don't want to lose that old Off/Air TV feature. So, I am looking to see how difficult it is to remove the factory installed antenna and replace with new satellite option. Where to buy and where to research more info on what else I may need for the complete set up.
I agree with the above responses, keep the air antenna and install the Winegard.
If you are concerned about the room, here is a picture of my install.
It was a little tight meeting the requirements for space but it does fit on top of a Mesa. I know that there is even more room on top of a Key Largo. The difference is the configurations of shower sky light, HVAC and whatever vents you have. The Winegard instructions can be downloaded from their site so you have all the measurements before you buy.
The key to remember is that there can not be anything taller than 8" with in 32.5" of the base center.
Someone mentioned the two jumper wires in the UDC. Here is a sample of them:
Here is a picture with both of them up and no interference.
I bought mine at Camping World in Ocala but only because they matched the cheapest price I could find which was from Adventure RV in Sevierville TN.
Hope this helps.
If you would like to read about the install click