3610re slide sequence movement


Recently took delivery of our '13 BH 3610RE and using the onboard fridge on occasion.
Upon opening the slide sequence is kitchen first, off door lounge second and door side lounge last. (The one that blocks access to fridge!!)
Upon closing, the sequence is the same, kitchen first etc.
Is there a way to disengage the kitchen and off door lounge slides and only open the door side slide to get access to the fridge?
I see the hydraulic valves in the front storage bin but, not certain how they should be configured to accomplish activating only the door side slide.
Any coaching tips are greatly appreciated.

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Well-known member
I can't remember if you have 2 or 4 valves in the front compartment as it has been a couple years since we owned a 3610, but you will want to close all the valves except the one to the side you want to move. I am thinking there are 4, so close 3 of them and leave the one to the door side lounge open. If they are not marked you may have to experiment by closing one valve at a time until you learn what each valve controls.


Have only 3 valves - 2 off door (1 is the bedroom slide)
- 1 door side
I'll try closing the off door side valves and leave the door side valve open. (AS SOON AS THIS HEAVY RAIN SHOWER SUBSIDES!!)
Thanks for the quick response!


Well-known member
Our Bighorn Bedroom slide is electric and operates by switch in the cabinet. I think your 3 valves operate the main coach slides which are Hydraulic. Have fun figuring it out.
My advise is to mark them to help the memory.


Well-known member
On my rig the lightest go out first then the short one then the heaviest, so it bedroom, couch, then enterainment. They retract the same way.


I closed the (2) off door valves and attempted to open slides again to gain access to the fridge. Same sequence as before - kitchen first, off door lounge and then door side lounge.
The valves have knurled knobs to screw in to close each. Is there another step that I missed?


Active Member
We have 2011 3610RE. If I close the off door valves, the only one that opens is the door slide which allows access to the fridge. Have done this several times.


Well-known member
The valves have knurled knobs to screw in to close each. Is there another step that I missed?
I think our 2011 Rushmore has a similar floorplan, but has individual switches for each slide and we have the auto-leveling system, so our hydraulic setup could be different (apart from the switches). Anyway, on ours, for manual operation, the valves are opened or closed with an allen wrench.


After a bit of experimenting I found that the valves were mis-labeled!! Go figure!
Closed the proper valves and SHAZAM the correct slide opened and was able to have lunch.
Thanks for all the feedback, appreciate your responses!