'Lil Guy'
Well-known member
I ordered and paid for a Mor/ryde pin box and got the 5th airborne. It was installed on my new E289 when I looked at it in make ready. I have a receipt for the MR. I guess they can install what they want. My question is, how do they match up. This one has a firestone airbag in it. The MR had rubber isolators. Will it do the same thing as the MR. Having never pulled a 5th wheel and reading about the chucking and such. I thought I would try to address the issues up front. The salesman swears the new 5th Airborne pin box will do what I want. Trouble is, being new, I don't know what I want. Looking on line, I think it will work. Anyone had any experience with these. Pros and cons. Thanks in advance.