5th wheel to gooseneck converter ?


Hopeing someone can tell me if I use an adapter that goes from the 5th wheel king pin to a gooseneck ball , WILL IT DAMAGE THE FRAME OR THE FIBERGLASS OR VOID THE WARRENTY ?


Hi mrmorris,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and Family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

If you use the converter to a gooseneck ball it will void the warranty. There are some people that do pull that way with no problems, but your own your own when, or if you do it.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M
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Well-known member
Hopeing someone can tell me if I use an adapter that goes from the 5th wheel king pin to a gooseneck ball , WILL IT DAMAGE THE FRAME OR THE FIBERGLASS OR VOID THE WARRENTY ?

I think Lipert now approves the Reese Goose Box, but thats the only one.


Founding Wyoming Chapter Leader-retired
Welcome!! nice to see someone else from Wyoming on here.

I seem to remember reading some where that certain adapters were approved but can't put my fingers on it right now. The best thing to do is get in touch with customer service (877-262-8032 / 574-262-8030 if it's a Heartland) and Lippert 866-524-7821 (the frame manufacturer) and confirm with them. I would also get it in writing.


Well-known member
Hopeing someone can tell me if I use an adapter that goes from the 5th wheel king pin to a gooseneck ball , WILL IT DAMAGE THE FRAME OR THE FIBERGLASS OR VOID THE WARRENTY ?
Yes it will void the warranty. The only approved method is to replace the pin box with a Goose Box. They are great and not hard to install.


Senior Member
I can say that the stresses on the trailer frame are doubled. My SOB pin box broke and after calculations one beam was at 100% load with no safe margin.
I did not do a stress analysis but I still observe the flex of our BC closely.

Sent from my SPH-M910 using Tapatalk 2


I called Heartland and they sent me to Lipert and Lipert sent me to Cequent. Lipert claims that the Reese Goose Box will be a future OEM option on their frames. Reese ‘Goose Box’ Coupler Earns RVAA Award if you do a google search you can find the press releases from Lipert and Cequent Performance Products Inc. which actually handles the distribution of the Goose Box. The engineers determined through their testing that the stress of the Goose Box was similar to that of the original pin box. I had my dealer install mine and it was around $1100 total.


http://www.adventurerv.net/popup-rv1-gooseneck-5th-fifth-wheel-hitch-adapter-p-5305.htmlWhat about one of these?//heartlandowners.org/image/jpeg;base64,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I Just bought a new Elkridge 37 ultimate last week. The truck already has a goose ball, they dealer installed a Reese goose box. So... it has to be under warranty as the camper just came off the assembly line. This is my first large camper and I am very impressed at how well it tows and it is also a very quiet/ smooth ride.


wish we could use the RV3

What a shame, but warranty voided if your using the adapter. I found this out because of this forum...thanks. My salesman said I could use the adapter but after talking to lipert...it's a no go ?


Well-known member
A good question would be why the warranty would be voided if using the B&W companion considering its a fifth wheel hitch attached to the truck using the goose neck hitch rather than rails. ? :-/
I would like to know how u like your bighorn.
I can't make up my mind. I like the Cyclone but im looking at the weight and I dont want to have to get a truck and a RV in the same month. I looked at a Bighorn that I really like. Is anyone having any issues with them that u know about.



Well-known member
A good question would be why the warranty would be voided if using the B&W companion considering its a fifth wheel hitch attached to the truck using the goose neck hitch rather than rails. ? :-/
I think the problem with goose neck hitches in general is that there's a vertical arm that is much longer than the length of the pin on a standard 5th wheel pinbox. The long arm acts as a lever that exerts more force on the pinbox and frame. (Think of the difference in what you can do with a 6 inch crowbar versus a 4 foot crowbar.) Some types of trailers have frames designed to accommodate the stress. RVs typically do not.

I think the Reese Goose Box hitch may be approved for use without voiding the warranty, but you should verify that with Heartland Customer Service.


I would like to know how u like your bighorn.
I can't make up my mind. I like the Cyclone but im looking at the weight and I dont want to have to get a truck and a RV in the same month. I looked at a Bighorn that I really like. Is anyone having any issues with them that u know about.


Hi Michelle,

We love our new to us Bighorn. We had a 3055RL for 5 years, but kinda always wanted the 3670RL floor plan,, well our daughter was shopping for a TT and we went to meet them at a dealer. There was this used 3670 that we looked at and,,, well it is ours now. Daughter also bought a North Trail, so dealer sold 2 instead of 1.

If your into taking a lot of toys with you,,then you need a Cyclone,, or if you want to make the garage area into an office or hobby room they are great. I would recommend a 1 ton truck min for the Cyclone. Depending on which Big Horn your looking at, you might need a 1 ton there also. If at all possible I would go with a 1 ton dually, then you got the truck to pull almost anything you want with safety.

As far as issues, nothing major, no frame problems, no roof problems. There was a time ( a few years back) when a few had frame problems.. maybe 1 out of 10,000 guessing,, but Heartland and Lippert stood behind their product. Tires are the only thing that have given a problem and it is beginning to look like maybe the tire company has improved their product also. Even when there was a problem with a tire, using the contacts at the tire company, most claims for damage were taken care of. The other problems that have occurred are for the most part water leaks which are usually easily repaired by just tightening a connection. You got to remember that your towing a house down a road that is making it shake like and earthquake. Things will come loose and or break, but usually nothing bad.

I must say that Heartland RVs has a great customer relations department and takes care of their customers. You can almost always talk to a real person.

Jim M


Trouble Maker
I think the problem with goose neck hitches in general is that there's a vertical arm that is much longer than the length of the pin on a standard 5th wheel pinbox. The long arm acts as a lever that exerts more force on the pinbox and frame. (Think of the difference in what you can do with a 6 inch crowbar versus a 4 foot crowbar.) Some types of trailers have frames designed to accommodate the stress. RVs typically do not.

I think the Reese Goose Box hitch may be approved for use without voiding the warranty, but you should verify that with Heartland Customer Service.

I agree 100%. Few years back I had a 27ft Mobile Scout. Decided to use a gooseneck adapter. It felt like I was pulling a rubber band. The constant back and forth jerk I felt from the trailer was very annoying. It all came from the adapter.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 3 HD


Well-known member
Hopeing someone can tell me if I use an adapter that goes from the 5th wheel king pin to a gooseneck ball , WILL IT DAMAGE THE FRAME OR THE FIBERGLASS OR VOID THE WARRENTY ?
We have used GN's and adapters for many years. Since Reese has the Goose Box that is the way to go. Never had an issue with the adapters at all of any kind. However saw a fellow ahead of me have to make a panic stop. He didn't have good trailer brakes and the GN adapter bent when the TV had to stop the coach. If you use one be sure the brakes will stop the coach and if not then you are an accident waiting to happen.


Well-known member
Have also thought about this for quite awhile, since the unit is in the shop for front cap damage it was a good time to check around on a conversion. Good shop down the road, owner said it would have to be a Reese then asked the year as a kind of second thought, bout fell over laughing when he popped off "It's outta warranty anyway, do yourself a favor and get the B&W. We can weld up the GN box and do it right".
He was about yelling when he said it which got a chuckle out of me, I'm still going to research it a bit further before making any decisions though B&W is impressive overall IMO.