6 Point Level Up system



During the PDI on our Road Warrior, the tech showed me how the system worked for auto level and then told me that I should watch the DVD to see what the system was capable of and the many other functions. Long story short, I went into the blue bag of owners manuals and not only is there no DVD, There is no information about the system. Is this something I should go to the dealer for or directly to the manufacturer? Would feel better having a basic idea of how everything works than just pushing buttons to see what happens.

Thank you,


New York Chapter Leader - retired
I would call dealer up & tell them U did not get the DVD & to send to u if u r not close enough to pick up


Thank you all, I ended up calling the dealer and leaving a message, I also printed the ino from the link pegmikef posted as well as the user and maintenance manual from the Lipperts site. Armed with all of this new info I will be trying the level up out this weekend!! Thanks again everyone.