9 volt Battery storage.


This is a repost, but good information. We heard a pop while laying in bed one night, then smelled something burning. Couldn't find it, two days later we found this. Don't store your 9 volt batteries just in any drawer or bag, something could short a crossed the terminals and start a fire.


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Well-known member
I used to have my 9 volt batteries in my dining room table "junk drawer" along with some steel wool in another part of the drawer. One day I was sifting through the stuff looking for something, happened to slide the 9 volt batteries into the steel wool, and suddenly had a small fire ( which I quickly put out). I now store my batteries in another area, all in a small storage container along with my handy battery tester.


Prolifically Gabby Member
When disposing of used 9V batteries, or even storing loose new ones, put a piece of electrical tape over the terminals to prevent any metal from shorting the battery. And never put a 9V battery in the same pocket you carry loose change in! :oops:
Do like JonDar said, put a piece of Electrical tape over the terminals, I have been doing that for years.
Do that on new or used batteries, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.



Well-known member
This is a repost, but good information. We heard a pop while laying in bed one night, then smelled something burning. Couldn't find it, two days later we found this. Don't store your 9 volt batteries just in any drawer or bag, something could short a crossed the terminals and start a fire.
We store ours in a Ziplock bag in our refrigerator. Been doing it for years. Always fresh.
I used to have my 9 volt batteries in my dining room table "junk drawer" along with some steel wool in another part of the drawer. One day I was sifting through the stuff looking for something, happened to slide the 9 volt batteries into the steel wool, and suddenly had a small fire ( which I quickly put out). I now store my batteries in another area, all in a small storage container along with my handy battery tester.
I too have a similar situation that occurred due to my carelessness. Now I take special care in handling these types of items.