Since your hitch weight is about 180 lbs I agree that it helps in snow slightly. My 220+ lb Curt slider did too and I left it in my truck as well for over a year for the weight benefit but mostly for convinence of storing it out of the way. Problem is/was that I needed to use my truck for other things so I was always having to take it out (with help), do what I was gonna do, then put it back in. There's no way I could put anything else in my less than organized garage.
Oh . . . I know about the less than organized garage . . . right now we have my stuff, my brother's stuff (he died a few years back), and my step-son's stuff as he just bought a new place and is staying with us while painting before moving in . . .
And Cathy can't get her car in their right now

. . . so you probably know how that can be!
One thing I like about leaving the hitch in the back is that when anyone asks me to help them move . . . I have the excuse of not being able to put stuff back there!
I do miss my topper from time to time . . . but love the 5th-wheel more so can learn to live without it!
Anyway, since I do have a short box, I like having the option of the slider hitch, but years down the road (yeah, right . . . ) when we upgrade to a bigger truck and 5'ver, this Anderson hitch looks pretty interesting!