RE: Deletes:
I deleted my 2011 Ram...went from 15.6 mpg to 22+ mpg...I replaced all the deletes with factory equipment that was hollowed out so at any DPS check point, it appeared to be stock..When I sold the 11 Ram, I replaced all the original equipment and programed the tuner back to stock... The deletes cost me about $1800 and sold the truck at 105,000 miles....if you are not going to run the truck up to 500,000 miles, I am not sure it is worth the deletes....On my 2016 the dealer wanted to know if I wanted to delete it...I decided not too....I am getting about 22 MPG on the hwy and 14.5 towing for now...with 11,000 miles on the truck....I think it will improve over time...Each Ram I have had, has increased at 25,000 miles, and again at 75,000 miles...I did not lift the truck to bring attention to it...everything appeared to be as it arrived from the factory...
In my opinion, the Deletes are a great aftermarket product providing you live in an area that doesn't require emissions testing. I am rural so it is not a problem in this area..