Asking for your prayers.


Hi to all,

I just want to let everyone know what is happening in my life and ask for your prayers.

I have had a bad cough for 2 or 3 months. Been to Dr’s and have been treated for everything and nothing has stopped the cough. After chest x-rays and CT scan they found a mass in the right lower lung. After more CT’s and 2 biopsy’s and PET scan they have found that it is a cancer mass and it is probably causing the cough. It has been diagnosed as stage 3 and where it is they will not operate at this time. I am to undergo a brain MRI to make sure it has not spread to the brain yet. This next week I will be scheduled for 6 weeks of 5 treatments each week of aggressive radiation treatments and also 1 day a week of chemo therapy and for how long on the chemo I don’t know yet.

I have beat cancer twice before in the colon, 20 years ago. So with your thoughts and prayers I will beat it again.

Jim M


Well-known member
Jim - Thanks for reaching out to let us know what your up against and yes, I will definitely add you to my prayer list. All things are possible...


Well-known member
You're in our prayers Jim. Peggy and I are both very sorry to hear this, but we're praying for a third victory over cancer.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Sorry to hear this Jim. Will put you and Bette on our prayer list.

'Lil Guy'

Well-known member
So sorry to hear about this. Debbie and I will certainly keep you in our prays praying for a good recovery.


Founding Nevada-North Chapter Leader-Retired
Jim and Bette, you are now on our prayer list, and our Church's prayer chain. As you well know from your prior cancer, prayers do work.
George and Laura


Pacific Region Directors-Retired

I am so sorry to hear the horrible news. I believe in my heart and soul that you've got this. Kelly and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers! 🙏🙏



Florida Chapter Leaders
When I was young it seemed that there were two prominent ailments that pretty much were considered the beginning of the end; heart disease and cancer. With modern medicine, surgery and techniques it would appear that heart disease and cancer can be a speed bump in life. Of all the advancements made over the years media technology has been the greatest. Doctors, medicine and all other abilities available none compares to PRAYER. Modern media allows us to post a report such as yours and it goes out through out the country to different prayer warriors who are lifting your name and need to the GREAT physician. Like all the others I will add your need to my prayer list.


Arkansas Chapter Leader-Retired
Jim I'm sorry to hear that. Prayers for you that God will touch you and provide healing again.

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