
I’m a fairly new Heartland owner. I’ve had this 2021 Mallard M26 about a year. And have had battery issues since I bought it. I can’t find anywhere in the manuals that I have about sizing and type of battery. I’m guessing it has to be 12volt. I see some people in here speaking deep cycle batteries . Do I just put any ole 12 volt battery in? Or is a there a specific type? Like boats have Marine batteries ect.. ect..


Well-known member
You need deep cycle RV/Marine batteries for your RV. I used to use Interstate RV/Marine deep cycle batteries before we switched to lithium. You could take your existing battery to an Interstate store or any good auto parts store and they can fix you up with the proper size.
Thanks for answering. And I was thinking of taking this battery to a store and get a replacement but I’m just not sure if it’s the original or it’s just some battery the lady I bought the camper from put in there to make the sale. It has a 2020 sticker on it so it might be the original. Because it’s a 2021 Mallard M26 and I’ve had it for about a yr or so. I guess I could message dealer services(heartland) and see if they will answer. They answered me like 1 time so far maybe I’ll get lucky and get a response. But a Marine deep cycle does sound like a good option. Thanks


Well-known member
I’m a fairly new Heartland owner. I’ve had this 2021 Mallard M26 about a year. And have had battery issues since I bought it. I can’t find anywhere in the manuals that I have about sizing and type of battery. I’m guessing it has to be 12volt. I see some people in here speaking deep cycle batteries . Do I just put any ole 12 volt battery in? Or is a there a specific type? Like boats have Marine batteries ect.. ect..
Reading material for batteries: