Bedroom Slide Maintenance


Well-known member
The cables on our Accuslide bedroom slide are starting to get a little sag and it has become a little noisy just before it fully seats when we pull it in. Is there any maintenance/lubrication required on this. Also, I've looked at the manual on this and for life of me I can't figure out how to access the adjustment and the cable pulleys.


Staff member
I don't know which slide is electric on your rig, but my bedroom slide is electric.
To access the adjustments the head side of the bed platform has to be removed.
One thing to point out is that when the slide is out, two cables will be taut and two cables will have slack.
You might be able to see the mechanism when the slide is in.
What you are seeing is probably normal and I don't think there is any maintenance required.



Well-known member
That is the way the cables are now. According to the book, they appear to be within tolerance. It was getting really noisy for about the last foot or so, when we pulled the slide in. Had a lot of stuff stored under the bed, which has now been removed. Since then the noise isn't as bad. Are there any lubrication points that I need to look at?


Well-known member
The thing I found on ours, is there is a foam pad in the mechanism on the cables, that is used to take up some of the shock when bottomed out....this foam filler on ours popped out of its holder. So then the cable on one side was loser, but still worked. You do have to remove the bed to access the mechanics. While I had the bed out, I found there were alot of left over screws to pick up. Plus there was an area under the bed where you could look thru the floor and see the ground via the LP tank is held. I foam filled this spot while I had the bed out.