Update on the Boom!
In the last month, he has achieved his BH title - this is a German title that includes obedience on and off leash as well as some traffic sureness and temperament testing - and his Rally Novice title - an on leash obedience title where one performs specific obedience action at each of 9-12 signs in a ring.
Haven't gotten any points in conformation towards his Championship since coming to Calif which is disappointing but we will keep plugging away at it!
Abby is also doing very well at 12 and 8 months! I make sure to get her out at every show so she can go meet and greet. That makes her SO happy and everyone is so kind to give her a lot of attention and petting.
We have Napa in 2 weeks, then what is called the Turkey Circuit - 2 days in Turlock, 2 in Stockton - the days following Thanksgiving. Am considering Roseburg, OR for 4 days between Napa and Turkey Circuit but worry about snow on the pass from CA into OR! Have to decide today to make the entry!
Just wanted to let Boomer's friends know that he finished his AKC Conformation Championship yesterday here at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY!
It has been a long road and I am SO happy!
Fast Freddie also got 2 points on Thursday and a point yesterday on his way to his AKC Conformation Championship and he is only 10 months old!
Taking today off to tourist the park a bit - they have a 3 day event going on! - then will show Freddie Sunday and Monday. Boomer may get to go do Barn Hunt; he LOVES that!
That's awesome to hear!!! Enjoy being in my hometown of Lexington, KY! The Horse Park is where we stay when we visit there.
Hey Valerie! Wish the dog shows had not kept me so busy, I would have loved to tour some farms! I have really enjoyed staying at the Horse Park, even with it stuffed to the gills over the Labor Day weekend. It has cleared out significantly so I expect the next day and a half will be very peaceful. The boys love their walks here!
Fast Freddie, my 11 month old wheaten Scottish Terrier, garnered 5 points this weekend towards his AKC Conformation Championship! He now has 7, 8 to go!
Janet, that sounds about right for a holiday weekend there! Everyone getting that last camping trip in before the fall. It's a great park for walking. Nice to hear that Freddie is doing so well, along with Boomer.
Safe travels to you all. We head out in the morning from Gig Harbor, heading back eastward. Have had a wonderful time visiting with our daughter, our son-in-love, our two granddaughters, and our son-in-love's family.
Safe travels to you as well! Let me know if you run into any fire caused driving challenges on your way out of the west. I am also following Jim on his travels to the Canyonville Rally to see what route works out the best for no problems!