Build Date?


Hi all,
The wife and I placed an order through our local dealer for a 2013 Big Country 3250TS two weeks ago. Was wondering if anyone had some insight on how the process works. The dealer related it usually takes 1 week to get a build date and then they will be able to estimate the arrival date of the RV. They also related it usually takes about 6 weeks total to arrive. It has been 2 weeks and I still do not have a build date. was wondering if that is normal? Thanks in advance for any information. (We are really excited!)


Well-known member
We ordered ours at the KC rv show some time in Jan. of 2010. After that DW started talking about wanting to see it being built. We talked to our, uh Dealer, and found out when the build date was and went to Elkhart to see it on the line. Originally they told us to be there on 02/21/10, but then changed it to the 22nd, so it would have walls, etc. We toured the Elk Ridge assembly line on 02/22/10 in the afternoon & they were finishing up and doing the QC checks. Our 5er arrived in KC on 03/11/10. As I know for certain that it went out the door on the 22nd (that's also listed on the sticker as the build date), we were kind of perplexed as why it took so long (about 3 weeks really isn't bad), after sitting back and thinking about it, I'm sure Heartland had to do some things after it went out the door, plus the transporter had to get it to KC, and on top of that there were major snow storms going on all the way from Elkhart to KC. All in all it wasn't bad, but we wanted our camper NOW!!! One thing that amazed me after touring the factory twice. Once when the 5er was on the line then at the rally in Goshen, there is a BIG difference between taking the tour when the line is active, and when no one is working. Those people really hustle!​ From what we saw the first time, I'm amazed that they get breaks & lunch, & I'm sure when they get home they are beat!


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
It took 7 weeks from start to finish, when we ordered our BH in December of 2010.
We didn't get our exact build date, until about 2 weeks before it was actually built.
Consider joining the Heartland Owners Club.

Enjoy your new rig, Trace.
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Well-known member
We ordered our Big Horn September 16th and took delivery October 31st. Sticker build date says October 14th.


Well-known member
Hi all,
The wife and I placed an order through our local dealer for a 2013 Big Country 3250TS two weeks ago. Was wondering if anyone had some insight on how the process works. The dealer related it usually takes 1 week to get a build date and then they will be able to estimate the arrival date of the RV. They also related it usually takes about 6 weeks total to arrive. It has been 2 weeks and I still do not have a build date. was wondering if that is normal? Thanks in advance for any information. (We are really excited!)

Hi Greg,

These are the dates we experienced when ordering a Sundance. (Note that the Sundance assembly line is shorter than the Big Country and your dealer is further away from Elkhart than our dealer)

Ordered: April 13th 2010
Assembly Line: May 11 (We toured the factory this day and saw our name on the unfinished rig)
Delivered: May 20th
Took Possession: May 24th

Note: This time line is very quick, the dealer had this rig in the works prior to them putting our name on it, so this may change the time line considerably.


Thanks for all the information. We got word yesterday they will begin the build on April 5th. We ordered on March 10th. They also realted they would need approx two weeks after the build to "fit/finish/transport". Hoping to get the new 5er on 4-20. Thanks again for all the info...


Well-known member
I guess we did it the easy way... Ordered the trailer, packed up our Titanium and went to Florida for 2 1/2 months, returned home, picked up our BC and went camping for another 3 weeks and have been enjoying it ever since!


Well-known member
Ordered our 2013 Landmark Grand Canyon on January 31st and I picked it up March 22nd. About 7 weeks. I had a build date after about 1 1/2 week and it outlined when the build date was, when it would go to the paint shop, and when it would be ready for shipping. It took about another 10 to 12 days then the dealer kept it for about 4 days to PDI. Happy Camper now!