Companion generators to power 15k BTU Dometic AC

Grey Ghost

Well-known member
I run two champion 2000w and have not problems run my ac, plus the tv and other things. Only time I have problem is when the wife plugs in curling iron and hair dryer also!!


Well-known member
Lowes sells the Champion for about a hundred bucks less. I was looking for a smaller unit for a new 18 foot camp trailer, i have a 5500 watt unit already but its loud and heavy, i use it when staying the night in rest stops or truck stops when no other options are available. Runs fine and will keep one ac unit, tv, microwave ect when parked. I do have to shut ac off in the morning when the wife runs her hair dryer. I use a 30 amp generator plug extension cord and 50 to 30 amp adaptor on.the Gateway


Well-known member
If you have an Electrical Management System (EMS) like those from TRC or Progressive, you may have to bond neutral/ground at the generator. Here's some more info.

Dan my new generator has a "floating" ground so does that mean I'll need to make that plug or should I try it first?? don't want to damage anything so what happens if I plug it in first??



Well-known member
Dan my new generator has a "floating" ground so does that mean I'll need to make that plug or should I try it first?? don't want to damage anything so what happens if I plug it in first??


If I recall correctly, the EMS will not pass any power if it doesn't like the ground.


Well-known member
So if you are running a Champion gen. that is in the back of your truck. Where is the cord? Do you run it all the way to the back of your RV? How do you keep people from stealing your cord (if in WM parking lot)? Can the cord be run or hooked up in the front of your RV by way of gen. prep?


So if you are running a Champion gen. that is in the back of your truck. Where is the cord? Do you run it all the way to the back of your RV? How do you keep people from stealing your cord (if in WM parking lot)? Can the cord be run or hooked up in the front of your RV by way of gen. prep?

Let me clarify more I just recently purchased my 265RK and I have the slide out bumper, so now my generator will go on it and the cord will only have to come out a couple of feet or so. This is now real convenient. No worries now where I park.


Remember that even with the most efficient 3000 watt generator, you are going to use about 1 gallon of gas an hour running your air conditioner fulltime. That would be about 8 hours a day, or about $36 gasoline a day. I have a generator, but have concluded if it is hot enough to need the air conditioner, it is time to get me into and RV park with electrical hookups, usually for less money than than running the generator would cost.

Very informative post!


Bob Vaughn

Well-known member
I have the Champion and wanted to get a short cord to plug it in to the back of our Big Country. I have a spare 30 amp power cord so I thought it would be feasible to replace the female end with a 50 amp plug to go into the 50 amp receptacle on the rv. OMG just the plug was 75 bucks. So I gave up on the idea of a short cord for the generator.....