Electric levelup ?????????? Some info needed


Well-known member
Contemplating an upgrade in the near future. The coach we were interested in is not available with hydraulic levelup. As always the first place I turn is here. Is the electric version of levelup automatic or is it manual leveling done electrically?? Will the electric version lift the coach off the ground ie: tire change or maintenance? The electric version was offered in place of hydraulics, I just don't know if this system offers what I require. I've been told folks on the forum have self installed the system so I imagine the answers I seek are here. Once again I thank you in advance for your help. ED. :angel:


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
If you are looking at the aftermarket Mobile Outfitters Ground Control, it is not auto-leveling. I have seen a version on a SOB that was, but as of today, I don't know that it is available for aftermarket purchase.

According to the paperwork, The manufacturer does not recommend lifting the coach off the ground. However, folks have done it, lifting one side, OR the other-- Not the whole coach at once--just follow common sense safety-- hitched to the truck and on a solid, level surface, and additional jack stands would be smart, too.

We self-installed, and have changed tires with it.

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Northeast Region Director-Retired
Ed, if our next unit has electric landing gear, we will have the same system Erika installed. Went through the system at Goshen. Very nice. Not quite as fast or automatic as the level up, but very easy to use. Unhook, grab the remote and hit a few buttons. It also can be installed yourself. The system can be removed and put on another unit. The electric motors are interchangeable, so if one fails, you can pull a good one off and get the legs up or down.


Prolifically Gabby Member
I also self-installed a couple of years ago, before Lippert bought the system from Reico-Titan. It is a very good system and I've used it to lift one side off the ground to remove tires. Granted, it is not a one-button press and forget, but it also does not go bump in the night and it has four fail-safes should there be a problem. 1: Battery in main remote dead, use cord to plug it into the switch pad. 2: Lose main controller, use alternate "red" one wired into controller. 3: A motor dies, swap another in place. 4: Motors also have a manual hex crank fitting on them.