Electrical Filters


Past Arkansas Chapter Leaders
Need some input, I have been having some problems with my unit's FM radio, that sometime while listening to it and an electic motor is turned on that it causes some static from the motor, ie..mixer ect. I know that on automotive units there once was filters that could be used to eliminate the static, I have not checked into a possible filter as of yet, has anyone tried this or had this problem :rolleyes:?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I represent ASA Electronics, the producer of the JENSEN brand of televisions, stereos, and speakers and the Voyager brand of observation monitors and cameras. At ASA, we strive to provide excellent customer service and product satisfaction and would like to offer some assistance in this matter.

Are you able to identify the item causing the motor noise? This noise could be caused by a number of factors, including the possibility it is radiated from the motor. Adding filters to the radio's power wire and/or antenna may help reduce noise, however, if you can eliminate the source of the noise, this would be the best solution.

I would recommend adding a power line noise filter first. If that does not reduce the noise sufficiently, the noise may be radiated. Adding an in-line antenna filter may be helpful. These filters can be found at most +12V electronics installation centers.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Prolifically Gabby Member
12V motors seem to be the culprit. Whenever we turn on one of the 12V vent fans, the radio goes ballistic. The 110V table fans don't bother it.