Gotta agree with Jim, Jay and Marv - great event!
We ended up with at least 82 couples, around 22 of them SOBs - excellent turnout!
I want to thank Jay for coordinating this event for us as well as on-site support. Great job Jay and Stella!
Thanks also to Kathy Adams, Jim and Bette McGee and Marv and Karen Osborn for on-site support. Heartland volunteers rock!
I am putting the finishing touches on my event report to Heartland. In it, I am making notes on how we can do this even better. Jay and I spoke with Joe Diaz and Dustin Hoover at Ron Hoovers' on strategy for 2011 and Kathy Adams and I brainstormed on the way back to Retama as well.
We're considering January 2011 for this event next year. As Jay said "Stay Tuned".