EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: CA, Red Bluff - 4/7/2017 to 4/9/2017

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Active Member
Ok guys.... just saw this. Please sign up the Wilsons. As usual if you need anything we are two doors down.


Anthony & Linda


Well-known member
Sign us up. If we can be there, we will. Exactly days will follow. Great opportunity to get Deb up to Lassen.


Well-known member
Please sign us up for this event George and Sue Hickman. G_S
this will be our first event so please inform us of anything we need to do.


Founding Nevada-North Chapter Leader-Retired
Hey Chuck and Donna,
Count on the Smith's to attend. Will let you know what dates later. As always, at that time of the year Mother Nature will decide if we can make it up there on highway 395 or I-80/I-5 :confused:.
We had about 10" of snow on Carson Pass returning from Jackson this past Monday. CalTrans had done great work on clearing most of it the road.

Have fun at the wedding!
George and Laura
Hi Chuck & Donna

Pete and Fawn Olvera Put is down, # 3104 Sounds like a great, fun time. Looking forward to attending, as this will be our first Heartland Rally.

We would like to arrive on April 5th 2017 Leaving April 11th 2017

Thank You:)


Hello Chuck and Donna,

The Schroeders, Bob and Maggie, want to added to the attendee list for the Heartland Rally in Red Bluff, CA - 04/07/2017 to 04/09/2017. We will arrive 04/05/2017 and depart 04/10/2017.

Looking forward to visiting with the Heartland Club members.

Bob and Maggie Schroeder
HOC Member #3170


California-N Chapter Leaders-retired
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all the responses! We will be posting an attendees list soon. We would like to welcome the new members, who have signed up for this rally, you will enjoy meeting other Heartlanders!

In the meantime safe travels, Donna & Chuck


Hi Chuck,

This is Kari Trask. You spoke with Jerry earlier. He wanted me to sign us up for the Red Bluff Rally and our friends as well. Being brand new to this site, I couldn't find where to sign up or do we just let you know for now?

Thank you!
Kari Trask


Well-known member
So excited for you Jerry & Kari!! Welcome to the HOC!! Looking forward to lots of fun times.
Rhonda :)

Hi Chuck,

This is Kari Trask. You spoke with Jerry earlier. He wanted me to sign us up for the Red Bluff Rally and our friends as well. Being brand new to this site, I couldn't find where to sign up or do we just let you know for now?

Thank you!
Kari Trask


retired Oregon Chapter Leaders
Hi Chuck and Donna, Bruce and I are interested in attending your rally. Can you get a hold of us at 541-659-3219 or at btzumwalt@hotmail.com. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you Terri Zumwalt


  • From: 4/7/2017 to: 4/9/2017
  • Number of sites held: 40
  • Register by end of day 2/15/2017
  • Site fee: $$44.10 per night.
  • Club Member Event fee: $0
  • Non-Club Member fee: $20
  • Potluck:
  • Potluck date:
  • Potluck time:


Additional Info:
Please Do Not Contact Durango RV Resort. We will be taking care of the reservations.

If you are interested in attending, please post or PM us, if you would like to reserve a space.

More information to follow as the event develops. Please keep checking back to the first post for updates.


California-N Chapter Leaders-retired
Hi Chuck and Donna, Bruce and I are interested in attending your rally. Can you get a hold of us at 541-659-3219 or at btzumwalt@hotmail.com. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you Terri Zumwalt

Terri, good to talk to you yesterday. We have you on the list of attendees!


We will get the attendee list up after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Everyone - have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Travel safe, Donna & Chuck
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