California-N Chapter Leaders-retired
Hi-We'll be coming in on April 6 and leaving on Tuesday, April 11. We would prefer a pull-through spot.
Really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Dave and Pat
Hi Dave & Pat, have your dates. We are looking forward to seeing you guys! It will be a good time!!
Thanks Chuck & Donna
- - - Updated - - -
Hi Chuck and Donna,
Don't remember if we gave you our arrival/departure dates. If not, here they are: Arrive April 6th. Depart April 11th.
Please let us know what we can do to help you!!!!! Looking forward to the rally!
Steve and Carol Wade
Hi Steve & Carol, thanks for your dates. It will be good to see you again. Missing our Heartland friends!
Donna & Chuck
Tom & Lorraine, got your dates. Thanks for sending them.
Chuck & Donna