What can I say? I had a great time with all of our friends new and old this weekend. I want to thank everyone for all the help, encouragement, and commaraderie. We had great entertainers, great food, great attendies for our second annual Florida Spring Rally. Our final cound was 33 rigs, all members, some joining at the rally. We did miss some members, Jan and Harvey Eaton who had a family emergency a couple of weeks before the event, and Eric and Dorothy van Opstal. Eric had a bout with pneumonia and had to get home after Ga rally. I want all of the members to understand that any rally is nothing without all the participants. We were fortunate to have the best. We had members from all over the world. New Zealand was represented well with Craig and Susanne Meldrum, Canada brought us two or three couples, most states of the entire east coast was represented, and I believe everyone had fun. We had a great group of folks at the Full Timing, Round Table discussion, with a great member and professional presenter there talking about financial planning. We also had a presentation on Boondocking that seemed to catch a lot of attention. The Mardi Gras Dog Parade was definately a hoot. Congrates to Mary Andrews dogs (cant remember their names) who won best non costume,and Bruno who brought his owner Sue Vaughn who won best costume. Bonnie manned the wagon that carried the music, candy and beeds. There were 20 entries. Even people who weren't with our group really enjoyed this event....maybe it was the beads, I don't know. Boys and girls if you missed this one you missed a good one. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks again. I'll try to get pics here tonight somewhere.