EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: FL, Seffner - 3/23/2012 to 3/25/2012

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Founding Georgia Chapter Leader (Ret)
Eric and Dorothy, You need to take care of your health so that we can have future rally's. Santha and I wish for a speedy recovery for you.
Randy, Santha and the Poodles.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Eric & Dorothy, we'll miss meeting you but health is more important so you folks take care. There's always next year.


Well-known member
Nancy and I went to Busch Gardens yesterday and had a nice time seing the animals, plants and seeing 3 shows. We are going back again today while the RV is at CW hopefully getting the new refer.

We're taking Ruby and Emme with us today and they will stay at the pet facility in Busch Gardens - $10 for the day.

See everyone tonight when we return - hopefully with an RV :)


Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Lin & I are here. Site 232. Chili is ON and will be available until it's gone. We have bowls, spoons, cheese and Sour Cream. C'mon Over!!!

I know it's a little warm out for Chili but we planned this a month ago when it wasn't quite this warm.:eek:

Bob Vaughn

Well-known member
My wife had said there was not a reset in the bathroom....I just went out and bingo guess where the reset button was....RIGHT.....right there in the bathroom now things work again...


Well-known member
Wayne and I sure are wishing we were at this rally.
I am thinking....no news/no photos..........must mean that there's a real good party going on!!!! Have fun, will see some of you in Gulf Shores soon.


Well-known member

Hogan was the center of attention last night. He won as captain of our table's team and he can dance up a storm! :)

Having a great time here. See you in Gulf Shores.



Well-known member
The critter parade, show and judging was a hoot this afternoon. Lots of people took pics so I'm hoping we see a few get posted to this thread :)



Past Mississippi Chapter Leader (Founding)
Kudos to Mickey and Bonnie on another great Rally. Gonna be mighty hard for me to miss a Florida event based on the fun I've had in last couple of years. It was really wonderful to meet old friends and make many new ones. Heartland Folks are just the best.

Donna and I want all of you to know we would love to have you come and help us Rally Up at the AlaMissiBamaSippi Spring Rally at Gulf State Park at Gulf Shores, Alabama. Check out our Rally Thread over under Mississippi or click on the Events button and find Gulf Shores. The official date is April 26-29 but early Rally starts on 4/22 and un-official excursions will be announced as it develops. Hope to see you again soon.

Thanks again to Mickey and Bonnie; could not have been better.

Hogan and Donna Cooper


Well-known member
Nancy and I have made it a whole 60 miles to the east, to Kissimmee for a couple of days with the mouse!

What can we say about the rally? Just a fabulous time. Hats off to Micky and Bonnie for planning and executing another awesome event.



Well-known member
We would also like to congragulate Mickey and Bonnie on an awsome job. Our first florida rally was great, Looking forward to many more. Also, Hats off to Lazy Days For the warm welcome and all the festivities.


Past Florida Chapter Leader
What can I say? I had a great time with all of our friends new and old this weekend. I want to thank everyone for all the help, encouragement, and commaraderie. We had great entertainers, great food, great attendies for our second annual Florida Spring Rally. Our final cound was 33 rigs, all members, some joining at the rally. We did miss some members, Jan and Harvey Eaton who had a family emergency a couple of weeks before the event, and Eric and Dorothy van Opstal. Eric had a bout with pneumonia and had to get home after Ga rally. I want all of the members to understand that any rally is nothing without all the participants. We were fortunate to have the best. We had members from all over the world. New Zealand was represented well with Craig and Susanne Meldrum, Canada brought us two or three couples, most states of the entire east coast was represented, and I believe everyone had fun. We had a great group of folks at the Full Timing, Round Table discussion, with a great member and professional presenter there talking about financial planning. We also had a presentation on Boondocking that seemed to catch a lot of attention. The Mardi Gras Dog Parade was definately a hoot. Congrates to Mary Andrews dogs (cant remember their names) who won best non costume,and Bruno who brought his owner Sue Vaughn who won best costume. Bonnie manned the wagon that carried the music, candy and beeds. There were 20 entries. Even people who weren't with our group really enjoyed this event....maybe it was the beads, I don't know. Boys and girls if you missed this one you missed a good one. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks again. I'll try to get pics here tonight somewhere.
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