Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
- Double J Campground
- 9683 Palm Rd.
- Chatham, IL 62629
- 888-483-9998
- www.doublejcampground.com
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Pet Fee: $0
- WiFi available: Yes
- WiFi Fee: $0
- From: 9/20/2013 to: 9/22/2013
- Number of sites held: 19.......maybe a couple more
- Site fee: $30.00 per night.
- Club Member Event fee: 0
- Non-Club Member fee: $20.00
- Potluck: Yes
- Potluck date: 9/21/2013
- Potluck time: TBD
- Event Leader: katkens(click to contact)
Additional Info:
The $30.00 campground fee will also be in effect for those of us that come early or stay later than the rally dates. Please let me know on this post or PM me when reservations have been made.
Herrick Wildlife Rescue : Here is a brief summary of there needs.
Many of you have been asking what we could use here at Herrick Wildlife Rescue, so here is a list of some items that vary in price: Items for deer: straight alfalfa hay & Noble goat feed, baby bottles & nipples. Always needed are towels of... various sizes, baby blankets (like fleece), pet carriers of various sizes and dry cat food (for possums, raccoons). Raccoons also love cat toys for interactive play. Squirrels love grapes, nuts, and interactive mobile toys! Cash/check/Paypal donations are always appreciated for vet visits, medications & surgeries. We are so thankful for the support, comments, donations, and for spreading the word about Wildlife Rescue. Thank you for caring about wildlife!See More
P.S. all items need not be new , just in good condition. If you belong to Face Book lots more info there.
1. katkens..................Ken & Kathy
2. jnbhobe.................Jon & Patti
3. cookie....................Dave & Mary
4. cemill.....................CE & Jackie
5. happykraut.............Bernie & Judi
6. Lane......................Paul & Elaine
7. bacaye...................Bill & Barb
8. Netem....................Neil & Sharon
9. kkamshop...............Ken & Kathy
10.cdaniels.................Jan & Cathy
11. MTPockets.............Terry & June
12. khalsey.................Keith & Diane
13.Traveler44.............Tom & Mary
14. JeffG1947.............Jeff & Nanci
15.Hoyt and Mary.......Hoyt & Mary
16. Rusty_7................Roy & Mary
17. jbeletti.................Jim & Nancy
18. white-knuckles......Frank & Char
19. Lou _ and Bette......Lou & Bette
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