Well-known member
Nancy, thought I had already made my reservations, but I have now. Dolly and I will get there on Sept. 6th and leave on Sept. 12th and will be in site #19.
Nancy, thought I had already made my reservations, but I have now. Dolly and I will get there on Sept. 6th and leave on Sept. 12th and will be in site #19.
Hey Jay, where is the local gun range near Canton? I know there is one in Kerrville that we have been to a couple of times, but didn't know there was one in Canton.
On edit: Never mind. I found one that really looks good in Wills Point, TX within 10 or 12 miles. It is Wiley's Gun Shop, covered 100 yard rifle range and 25 yard pistol range. Had good write ups. The shop is supposed to have a really good inventory, good prices and friendly people. One review I read said the range cost was 10 bucks for the first gun and 5 for each gun thereafter.
I think I see a road trip for some of us already licensed folks who want to do some one stop shooting and shopping. I suspect Dave will want to try his long guns out.
I heard from Dave Tyler and updated thread #38 with further information on the License to Carry class.
Nancy, you may have us down but I haven't replied to this thread. We will be there Wednesday night or Thursday morning.
Mike, the law has indeed changed and you may qualify with either a revolver or semi auto and carry what you want.
I filled out my application online and got my fingerprint taken today.
We are looking forward to our first Heartland Owners rally, Sept. 9-11. We have made our reservations and look forward to meeting other Heartland owners.
Please put Pat and I down for the Canton rally. We will arrive Thursday the 8th and leave the 11th. Thanks!!
Hi Nancy & Dave,
Don't get to excited yet,,,, BUT MAYBE we will join you at the rally. We are trying to get things wrapped up and lined up where we can do a little traveling again. It is looking good for us and we should know in another week or so. Just wanted to warn you and the others.Hope no one cancels now.
Jim M
Great, Jim! We'll keep our fingers crossed you both can make it!