EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: UT, Moab - 5/19/2015 to 5/26/2015

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Luv'n Life
Just might be showing up with a new................TRUCK....
Going to look at it this afternoon. Dealer has to pick it up some where else. No deal made yet.
Fingers crossed


DEAL HAS BEEN MADE. Picking up a NEW Truck
on Tue. after a few things are done.

See you all next tue. The 19th in Moab.

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Well-known member
//heartlandowners.org/image/jpeg;base64,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 Z0kMO4zbHVbmPCX cJzXiSjTz1MXRFVXUjarT22BX8B8DOg8L/EWlj8xWitCsC1 8BrpiwJ7zC2kbW9SIlNXWIiUIiICJrZhjqdDCmpVYKg5kzR4c4ho47ClqR3U2ZD95T09Qeh/fcQJeIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiBUOPMvJenXV6lMqGUtTJBF 8p25gWYW63AkXwlxVihmn2fFDtARdagAvYAm/dFnBAJ8djzO0vOZ4TtsA6eI28mG6n2IBlAyhSG07hka6X6EEMAfLkCJB0gG42n2Q 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R8zL9ECIiAiIgROfZCmLp7nS4VlDAA91gQVI6jr5ED3ieBOF3wNJ2qNd3sNI 6ACbXPVt/aWyICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAlN KH/R6H9YT/Lqy5SmfFI2yaj/WE/y6sUafwo/ Z 2H5HyEv85/8JuWM/bj8j5mdAgIiICIiAiIgIiIHirU0jxJ5DxMwVCerb9FXb68/eeK9YjF9Nl5np47edgJjGMRSetwL2HXr 6BsAdy4cj lYi/gb7/AFmSlUu1iLMPkR4jykZhnYobITckgk8vntPVCu3bquzBTbUPA7W8/wCAgS0REBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBKd8T/ j0f6wv8Al1ZcZD8UZEMdgFp6 zKuHB06hcBhYi4uLMeogVf4TcsZ 3H GdAkBwlw0Mvo1R2hqNVfWx0hQDa1gtz9SZPwEREBERAREQEREDSxlNWrjUOlySSNr9B1M09FPT9w3sdrnnfYfS838ZSZiNPXY XW/wBLe81yj2JYNcjax5NuN/a3PzgeTUuLWYgkgd87i9jtPuDRO3BAtuQLk35Hp4es hHDXNzuOV j7 m3hMlIMcTezDvHny025W8bwN6IiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiB/9k= I have a pair of X-Chocks that I no longer use as I have the Level-up on my new coach. I will bring them to the rally. If anyone is interested, PM me for price . (About half current retail).


Camp Socializer
We will be staying in Provo the night before arriving in Moab. Google maps shows the route from Prove to Moab as heading SE on Hwy 6 then 91. Is this a good road for towing?

PJ this is the most popular route and is used by many trucks. I travel this route frequently and will be this trip also. This is mostly two and three lane with several curves. Heed the reduced speed signs and stay alert. Many people tend to get impatient and try to pass when it is not safe to do so.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
We are looking forward to a great week with Heartland friends, old and new in Moab.

Here's something else going on during our Rally. The 23rd annual Moab Arts Festival. http://www.moabartsfestival.org/

There isn't going to be any shortage of things to do during our stay. See everyone in Moab! Trace


Pacific Region Directors-Retired

We will be heading to Spanish Trail from Thousand Lakes RV Park in Torrey. Is there a route that is recommended or one that is a definite no go? My map system gives me 2 routes, with the first and shortest being UT 24 to 191. The other is UT 24 to Interstate 70 to 191, which my maps show as about 20 minutes longer of a route. Just want to make sure that my GPS does not take me a route that has low overpasses/bridges or terribly windy roads that are not conducive to a 40 foot fifth wheel.



Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired

We will be heading to Spanish Trail from Thousand Lakes RV Park in Torrey. Is there a route that is recommended or one that is a definite no go? My map system gives me 2 routes, with the first and shortest being UT 24 to 191. The other is UT 24 to Interstate 70 to 191, which my maps show as about 20 minutes longer of a route. Just want to make sure that my GPS does not take me a route that has low overpasses/bridges or terribly windy roads that are not conducive to a 40 foot fifth wheel.


I have never driven either of these routes. Of the two routes mentioned, 24 to 70 would probably be the more conservative. Although 70 seems like a grind in spots.

However, I would would probably take 24 to 191, as it would be more scenic and I tend to gravitate to byways whenever possible. They both show in the truckers atlas as doable.

The one thing is, you are driving through Capitol Reef and will have to pay an entrance fee, unless you have a pass. Trace


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Thanks Trace. What is the entrance fee with a fiver? Or is it just per person?


I have never driven either of these routes. Of the two routes mentioned, 24 to 70 would probably be the more conservative. Although 70 seems like a grind in spots.

However, I would would probably take 24 to 191, as it would be more scenic and I tend to gravitate to byways whenever possible. They both show in the truckers atlas as doable.

The one thing is, you are driving through Capitol Reef and will have to pay an entrance fee, unless you have a pass. Trace


Well-known member

We will be heading to Spanish Trail from Thousand Lakes RV Park in Torrey. Is there a route that is recommended or one that is a definite no go? My map system gives me 2 routes, with the first and shortest being UT 24 to 191. The other is UT 24 to Interstate 70 to 191, which my maps show as about 20 minutes longer of a route. Just want to make sure that my GPS does not take me a route that has low overpasses/bridges or terribly windy roads that are not conducive to a 40 foot fifth wheel.


We just completed this route a few weeks ago after staying at Thousand Lakes. You don't have to pay a fee to drive through Capital Reef on 24, unless you stop at the visitor's center and take the scenic drive. Free with senior pass.

24 is very rough and slow between Torrey and Hanksville. It even has signs stating "Rough Road" Literally 35 MPH max at times due to bucking and bouncing. There's really no way around it without backtracking a lot of miles. Just plan to take it nice and slow. 24 does not intersect 191. You either have to turn left at Hanksville, to stay on 24 to I-70 or go straight and it becomes 95 which intersects 191 at Blanding. I have never driven the part of 95 from Hanksville to Natural Bridges NM, but I have driven the other part from NBNM to Blanding and it is good road with a few grades to climb.

Hope this helps. BTW, we were most impressed with Canyonlands NP. We did not expect it to be so magnificent. We camped at a BLM campground outside Moab, called Ken's Lake. It was excellent for boonedocking. Very quiet with tons of space between camp sites. $7.50 / night with senior pass.


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Thanks Scotty. We do not quite qualify for the senior pass. Any idea of the cost without it?


We just completed this route a few weeks ago after staying at Thousand Lakes. You don't have to pay a fee to drive through Capital Reef on 24, unless you stop at the visitor's center and take the scenic drive. Free with senior pass.

24 is very rough and slow between Torrey and Hanksville. It even has signs stating "Rough Road" Literally 35 MPH max at times due to bucking and bouncing. There's really no way around it without backtracking a lot of miles. Just plan to take it nice and slow. 24 does not intersect 191. You either have to turn left at Hanksville, to stay on 24 to I-70 or go straight and it becomes 95 which intersects 191 at Blanding. I have never driven the part of 95 from Hanksville to Natural Bridges NM, but I have driven the other part from NBNM to Blanding and it is good road with a few grades to climb.

Hope this helps. BTW, we were most impressed with Canyonlands NP. We did not expect it to be so magnificent. We camped at a BLM campground outside Moab, called Ken's Lake. It was excellent for boonedocking. Very quiet with tons of space between camp sites. $7.50 / night with senior pass.


Well-known member
Thanks Scotty. We do not quite qualify for the senior pass. Any idea of the cost without it?


Ha Ha! Only one of us is of age and that's all I'm going to say about that. $10 to take the scenic drive. Free to drive through the park on Hwy 24. In fact, all 5 NP's we visited in UT are $10 / car. BTW, I highly recommend the scenic drive while you are staying in Torrey. Well worth the drive.

Update: I just realized that Zion and Bryce charge $25 / car. The others are $10.
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Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
All reservations confirmed with the park today, as shown in the first post. Getting close, see everyone there. Trace


Luv'n Life
All reservations confirmed with the park today, as shown in the first post. Getting close, see everyone there. Trace

We are leaving Sunday pulling the rig with our new 2015 F-350. Staying couple nights in Mesquite and will leave Tue morning and drive to Moab.

Our first rally we will attend in Utah and can hardly wait.

Safe tavels to all. See ya in Moab.



Camp Socializer

We will be heading to Spanish Trail from Thousand Lakes RV Park in Torrey. Is there a route that is recommended or one that is a definite no go? My map system gives me 2 routes, with the first and shortest being UT 24 to 191. The other is UT 24 to Interstate 70 to 191, which my maps show as about 20 minutes longer of a route. Just want to make sure that my GPS does not take me a route that has low overpasses/bridges or terribly windy roads that are not conducive to a 40 foot fifth wheel.


Without a doubt, take 24 to Hanksville and then up to 70 and across to 191. This portion of 70 is fairly flat. As you approach 191 be alert. There is an on ramp from a rest stop that immediately ties into the off ramp to 191.


Well-known member
I love the smell of a quickly approaching rally, the anticipation of a new rig pulling into the campground as we rubber-neck trying to see who it might be. I love the warmth of a handshake from an old friend and the promise it brings from a new one. I love hearing the sounds of laughter and the reflection that a warm camp fire brings to the eyes. I love the oohs and awes as we admire a new camper or truck, and the almost reverential gathering of men pointing and pondering the wonderful technical aspects. I love the early mornings where a few gather embracing a cup of coffee and quietly murmur to each other with respect to the new day. Yup, it's almost rally time...see you there.


Well-known member
Well said. See you soon
I love the smell of a quickly approaching rally, the anticipation of a new rig pulling into the campground as we rubber-neck trying to see who it might be. I love the warmth of a handshake from an old friend and the promise it brings from a new one. I love hearing the sounds of laughter and the reflection that a warm camp fire brings to the eyes. I love the oohs and awes as we admire a new camper or truck, and the almost reverential gathering of men pointing and pondering the wonderful technical aspects. I love the early mornings where a few gather embracing a cup of coffee and quietly murmur to each other with respect to the new day. Yup, it's almost rally time...see you there.
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