EVENT: Heartland Regional Rally: CA, Jackson - 9/19/2018 to 9/25/2018

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We've only got 17 people left on the waiting list and have two current openings. That is down to 15 total people on the waiting list. If you know of anyone that is interested in attending, please reach out to them and have them get their name on the waiting list.

Hello Rod,
This is Dick and Diana Garcia in Chico Calif. Please put us on the waiting list for th 9/1 Jackson rally.
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Well-known member

Sent ya an email. Not sure if ya got it. But thanks for offer but will have to pass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Rod, and Kelly,

my my shirt size is XXL.
Thank you!

Looking forward to a rally with grass. My puppies are tired of pebbles. ��

Jackson definitely has plenty of grass for the puppies ☺️ Looking forward to having you join us Wayne, See you in September!

Rod & Kelly


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Some may already know this but, another event we are doing again this year at the rally is a Greeting Card crafting class on Monday September 24th from 10 am to Noon (location TBD either tent or clubhouse). Sue Hickman has graciously offered to host the class, it was a big hit last year. If you are interested she is asking for $5 per person to cover supplies for 2 cards. Please contact Sue directly via her email address: suehickman.ts@gmail.com to get signed up as space and supplies will be limited.

ALSO, a Thai Cooking Class being instructed by our own Heartlander, Leona Conklin! Starting at 1pm to approximately 4pm, Sunday September 23rd at the Clubhouse. Leona will be teaching us how to make authentic Thai cuisine. The menu we have worked up consists of: Spring Rolls, Panang (yellow) Curry, fried banana's and her red wine sangria. Leona is asking for $15 per 'couple' for supplies. She will be shopping for and purchasing all supplies to be provided. The class will be limited to 25 people, please call or text Leona if interested, her number is: 916-667-2522.
Re: Waiting List

New to group how do you get added to waitlist?

Waiting List* = removed from wait list and put onto attendance list ** = Self RemovedNames will not be removed from waiting list once added to the attendance roster
1* Don & Vicki Sullivan3199CDRSULLY9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3575ELN40'
2* Phil Shoemaker & Kathy Butler3438phils519/20/189/24/1842$190.00$0.00BH 3270RSN36'
3* Bobby & Genee Bimbi3685bobbyandgenee9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$0.00Terry Classic V21NWM & ML22'
4* Carlos & Kindra Benavidez2602moses9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3585RLNMXL & WXL40'
5* Eric & Leonna Conklin3824Eric12349/20/189/24/1842$190.00$0.00LM SyracuseN36'
6* Kevin & Cindy Smith3653Hwy1Run9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM NewportN43'
7* Rick & Teressa Carter3720wwtpo39/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM NewportY43'
8* Jim & Linda Kelly3604oldelevman9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM NewportYM2XL & WL43'
9* Dan & Carol Seibert3842Squirrel9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3160ELY37'
10* Larry & Margie Jewett38471Larryjewett9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3160ELYML & WM36'
11** Lloyd and Libby Linton3814linton2019/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00OakmontYM3XL & WL37'
12* Bill & Irene Kassler3338billk2639/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM CharlestonNXL & M42'
13** Bryan Durant & Brianna3161 bedurant9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00North TrailNMXL & WS26'
14** Paul McPhillips & Nancy Brinkmann3775OSIN9/19/189/25/1862$295.00$0.00LM SyracuseNWL & M2XL36'
15** Larry & Judy Brownell2875Brownie149/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BH 3570RSNWS & MM40'
16** Cindy & Troy Johnston3808tjohnston1139North Trail
17* Arie & Paula Kroeze3871avkroeze9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00Sundance 269TSYMXLTall & WXL30'
18** Barbara & Jack Roth2942Barbie9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BC 3070RENMXL & WM35'
19** Chuck & Victoria Carothers3085Aandaar9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BH3970RDNM2XL & WXL43'
20* Bob & Maggie Schroeder3170rschroe89/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00Oakmont 345SNMXL & WL38'
21* Ted & Linda Starr3851Us2Starrs9/18/189/23/1852$225.00$0.00BC 3250TSYWL & M2XL33'
22** Lisa & Hippy Lizarraga2634Hippy9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00Cyclone 3110?38'
23* Tony & Kaye Hamer3384akh03539/21/189/26/1852$225.00$0.00Landmark
24** Jim & Jie Arganbright2346jargan9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00LandmarkNM4XL & WM43'
25* Alan & Cheri Cole3964Alan579/19/182/25/1862$260.00$0.00BC 2350TSYM2XL & WM36'
26John & Debi MacVie2802DebiMac9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00BH 3670NWM & M2XL40'
27Dean & Jodi Madison #1461shovelguy9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00BH 3055RLN35'
28Doug & Linda Ridenour #3796lindaridenour9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$0.00Bighorn??35'
29Jack & Debby Jackson #4210Gadgetman9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BH 3160ELYW2XL & M2XL36'
30Dan & Lynn Barnett #3784DanBarnett9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BC 3155RLKNML & WM36'
31John & Becci Zumwalt #2474Becci9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00LM Grand CanyonNMXL & ML38'
32Don & Alicia Mogenson3257donmogey9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00LM SyracuseNWM & M3XL36'
33Gary & Marie Ihde4491speed9/19/189/23/1842$190.00$0.00BIghornYWL & M2XL36'
34Jeff McQuade & Patty Johanson4621Pjohanson2$0.00BighornY
35Dick & Donna Ridenour #4356Ridenour9/17/189/25/1882$330.00$0.00BighornNM2XL & WXL41'
36Bob & Vickie Ovendale #4192Wandernweezie9/18/189/24/1862$260.00$0.00North Trail 28BRSNM3XL & M4XL28'
37Larry & Jane Davidson2980zonieLD9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00LM Key LargoNM2XL & WXL40'
38Scott & Ruth Sladky #4162Darcmune9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$0.00LM OshkoshYMXL & WL40'
39Dick & Diana Garcia #2234djgarcia9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00N
40Bill & Sue Iwen #4834SueI9/21/189/25/1842$190.00$0.00LM OshkoshYMXL & WM42'
41Rick & Carol Kirkland #4622GoodToGo9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$0.00BighornYM2XL & WXL30


Retired Oregon HOC
Hi! Welcome to the group. I’m sure Rod or Kelly will check the thread soon and get in touch with you to ask some questions when they add you to the wait list.



Pacific Region Directors-Retired
The rally is getting closer and Kelly and I are hard at work setting things up!! We still need information from a lot of folks on the attendance as well as the waiting list. Please review the spreadsheets and insure that all of the blanks are filled in for your information and supply us the missing info. You can email, PM or post to this thread the info. Thanks all!!

Rod and Kelly


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
Changing the sites to first come first serve, is rather disturbing. We signed up for this rally a year ago, and I picked my site for a reason. ��

I will be arriving on the 18th.
Wayne, the nice thing is, there really are no bad spots in this Park.

I was the very first person to sign up for the Pueblo Regional rally (2 1/2 years early) and I was put in one of the smallest and worst possible spots in the whole campground,


Hi Rod and Kelly,

We we are unable to attend the Jackson Rally in September. Steve’s daughter has terminal bone cancer, that metastasized from her breast cancer. We are leaving immediately for an undetermined time to help take care of her. Sorry to miss a fun filled time with everyone.

Steve and Carol Wade


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Hi Rod and Kelly,

We we are unable to attend the Jackson Rally in September. Steve’s daughter has terminal bone cancer, that metastasized from her breast cancer. We are leaving immediately for an undetermined time to help take care of her. Sorry to miss a fun filled time with everyone.

Steve and Carol Wade

Steve and Carol,

We are sad that you guys will miss the rally but completely understand, with what is going on with your daughter. We will send some prayers her and your way.



Well-known member
I was looking at the List and noticed our Shirt Sizes are not showing as follows:M3X & WL...Check $400 will be there by 8/1.

  • From: 9/19/2018 to: 9/25/2018
  • Number of sites held: 100
  • Register by end of day 8/18/2018
  • Site fee: $35.00 per night per night with your first night being non refundable.
  • Club Member Event fee: $25.00 per person (non refundable)
  • Non-Club Member fee: Only open to HOC Club members
  • Potluck:
  • Potluck date:
  • Potluck time:

Additional Info:
------------------------------Do not make your reservations directly with the park. All reservations, site assignments and payment will go through Kelly and I.

Golf: Friday Sept 21 at Castle Oaks Golf Club, contact Dan Sullivan at dansully53@yahoo.com

This will be considered a Tournament by the Golf Club, because we should have approximately 20 + golfers. We will be doing a Best Ball Scramble and there will be a few prizes.
Golf Fees are $57.00 per player with a cart and practice balls. First Tee Times will start around 9:30 am and then every 8 to 10 minutes.

For signups email Dan Sullivan: dansully53@yahoo.com

We will update everyone via email and this rally thread on the exact date we will begin collecting money, including our address to send the payments too. Payments will be collected beginning in the month of June sometime.For payments, we will be requesting payment in full with $150.00 of it being non refundable.

We have the entire park reserved so this will be a fun weekend with the park filled full of Heartlanders.

UPDATE: Jackson Rancheria has decided that us assigning the sites is not viable for them. We have too many folks coming in at to many different times. Based on that site assignment is no longer a possibility. You all are guaranteed to get a site, but that does not mean that you will get the site that I had originally placed you in. They will assign your site the day of your arrival and do it based on your size and dates you will be attending.


NameHOC #HOC NameArrivalDeparturenighspeopleAmt. dueAmt paidMake/Model1stShirt size
1Bobby & Genee Bimbi3685bobbyandgenee9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$225.00Terry Classic V21NWM & ML
2Steve & Carla Pereira3498steve&carla07189/18/189/24/1862$260.00$260.00BH 3160ELNWM & ML
3Rick & Karron White1913KARRON9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3270RSN W2XL & M2XL
4Floyd & Carol Philbrook1422FLOYDPHILBROOK9/18/189/27/1892$365.00$0.00LM CharlestonNWL & M2XL
5William & Mary Marsh2508Wmnmy9/18/189/25/1872$295.00$295.00BC 3965DSSNWXL & M2XL
6Don & Vicki Sullivan3199CDRSULLY9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3575ELNMXL & WXL
7Dean & Jodi Madison1461shovelguy9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00BH 3055RLN
8Bill & Linda Memmer3326Billiam9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3160NML & WL
9Bob & Maggie Schroeder3170rschroe89/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00Oakmont 345SNMXL & WL
10Jerry & Karen Paden13792togo9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$330.00LM SyracuseNM2XL & WXL
11Richard & Debby Gilton2275dgilton9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$225.00LandmarkNMXL & WS
12Carl & Sylvaine Lemmel2989lemmelhouse9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00Sundance 3100ESNWM & M2XL
13Steve & Sandy Rinks2759sandy24079/18/189/26/1882$330.00$330.00LM MontereyYWXL & M2XL
14Bob & Diane Contreras2599Rgc52269/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BighornNWL & ML
15Matt & Terri Dickerson2222Matt_Terri9/20/189/24/1842$190.00$0.00ElkridgeN
16Fred & Gloria Dickey1655Mr. D9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3270RSN
17Jim & Lynn Dykes3251dykesj119/17/189/27/18102$400.00$0.00BH 3575ELNM2XL & WXL
18Jack & Bev Reed2054xraisingrower9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00BH 3055RLN
19Rich & Angela Skidmore2902RASKIDMORE9/16/189/28/18122$470.00$0.00LM MadisonN
20George & Sue Hickman3468G_S9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00LM Key WestNML & WXL
21Doug & Kathy Moffitt3526dkmoffitt9/17/189/25/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3260ELN
22Chuck & Diana Olvera2080chuckndi9/17/189/25/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3270RSN
23Jenny & Lorenzo Candelario3527Jenny n Lorenzo9/17/189/25/1882$330.00$0.00BighornN
24Larry & Liz Kinney1861larkinstuart9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$330.00BighornNWL & ML
25Ben & Kris Ivaska3083kiben9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00BighornN
26Jim & Laura Winter3561ptstreetrod9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BighornN
27Jerry & Kari Trask3490jt4doors9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BighornN
28Phil Shoemaker & Kathy Butler3438phils519/20/189/24/1842$190.00$190.00BH 3270RSN
29Joe & Luise Ragni2805Bogie9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00SundanceNWL & MXL
30Steve & Michelle Masera3087Smasera9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$260.00BH 3270RSN
31Terri & Bruce Zumwalt3355terribruce9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00BH 3750FLNML & ML
32Bill & Irene Kassler3338billk2639/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM CharlestonNXL & M
33Sonja Nisson & Julie Rogers2537Sonja9/17/179/26/1892$365.00$365.00BH 3270RSNMXL & MM
34Alan & Cheri Cole3964Alan579/19/182/25/1862$260.00$0.00BC 2350TSYM2XL & WM
35Steve & Kelly Dutton3138TikiDawg9/18/179/25/1872$295.00$295.00LM Key WestNM2XL& WL
36Paul & Candy Hardt2676paulh9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$330.00LM Key LargoNWL & MXL
37Mike & Edythe Kuhn2057gasman9/18/189/25/1872$295.00$0.00BC 3150RLNWL & MXL
38Jack & Debby Jackson4210Gadgetman9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BH 3160ELYW2XL & M2XL
39Ken & Deidra Bausano3139kbausano9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3760ELNMXL & WXL
40Rich & Sandy Givens3374BusManRG9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$225.00BH 3160ELNW3XL & MXL
41Corey & M'Lissa Haskins2518Thenomads9/19/189/23/1842$190.00$190.00BighornNWL & MXL
42Chuck & Donna Hale2046LTZ9/16/189/28/18122$470.00$0.00BighornNMXL & W2XL
43Doug & Doris Anderson2420Grampafish9/17/189/27/18102$400.00$400.00BH 3370RKNMM & ML
44Mark & Kristy Carlson1024ziggy9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$365.00LM Key WestNM2XL & M2XL
45George & Laura Smith1445TahoeCamper9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$225.00BH 3010RENWS & M3XLTall
46Jim & Nancy Beletti1001jbeletti9/18/189/26/18102$330.00$0.00LM NewportNM2XL & W2XL
47Jerrod & Rhonda Jess2934jesstalkn9/16/189/28/18122$470.00$0.00LM AshlandNM2XL & WL
48Rod & Kelly Ditrich2336For20hunter9/16/189/28/18122$470.00$0.00LM NewportNMXL & WXL
49Dan & Sally Sullivan1715Dan & Sally Sullivan9/16/189/28/18122$470.00$0.00BH 3575ELNM2XL & WXL
50Pat & Elaine Poole2784possum519/18/189/27/1892$365.00$0.00LM SavannahYM2XL & W2XL
51Tony & Linda Wilson2679WeRWilsons9/17/189/27/18102$400.00$0.00LM Key LargoN
52Art & Teresa Mitchell1014TessaM9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3370RKNWXL & MXL
53Trace and Terri Westcott1694TandT9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3670RLNWL & ML
54Henry & Pam Kroeze1448hkrozejr9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$260.00Sundance 2900 RKNWL & MXL
55Lydell & Pamela Wall1364lwall9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00LM Key LargoN
56Harry & Margie Jewett38471Larryjewett9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00BH 3160ELYML & WM
57Eric & Leonna Conklin3824Eric12349/20/189/24/1842$190.00$0.00LM SyracuseNML & WS
58Bruce McLaughlin1869Manzan9/18/189/26/1881$305.00$0.00NorthTrailNXXL
59Kori & Susan Prier3686Kprier9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BC 3150RLN
60Mike & Keri Harnden3628mharnden9/19/189/23/1842$190.00$190.00BH 3160ELNMXL & WXL
61Len & Sue Trujillo2810RoadJunkie9/18/189/25/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3575ELN
62Glenn & Kathy Stracner3621Northcalnurse9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3070N
63Jim & Debra Shippy3781harlou19/17/189/25/1882$330.00$330.00LM OrlandoY
64Tony & Cheryl Moore3286TCMoore9/21/189/24/1832$155.00$0.00GreystoneNWM & M2XL
65Tom & Lorraine Chinn1854Jasmar9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00Sundance 2800NMXL & WL
66John & Shirley Thompson3311HappyT9/21/189/25/1842$190.00$190.00BH 3010RENDo not want
67Chuck & Donna Impey3573the1imp9/17/189/25/1882$330.00$0.00BighornNM2XL
68Craig & Deborah Coe3587CandD9/20/189/24/1842$190.00$0.00BH 3160ELNM3XL & WL
69Jim & Sue Wilburn3404RenoJim9/16/189/26/18102$400.00$0.00BH 3760ELN
70Dan & Linda Evans3716Retirement20169/19/189/25/1862$260.00$260.00BighornN
71Pat & Linda Coyne3681paddy9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3575ELN
72Bill & Joy Redding3180calfirebill9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00BighornN
73Mike & Wendie Bromley3532Mike-Wendie9/19/189/27/1882$330.00$330.00BH 3270RSNWL & ML
74Paul & Debbie Larson3649paulndeb9/17/189/27/18102$400.00$0.00LM NewportN
75Paul & Sherry Hulburt3641paulhulburt9/19/189/6/1872$295.00$295.00LM Key WestNMXL & WL
76Bryan & Cindy Larsen3742blarsen19/20/189/23/1832$155.00$0.00LM RushmoreY
77Tony & Kaye Hamer3384akh03539/20/189/23/1832$155.00$0.00LM SavannahNXXL & M
78Arie & Paula Kroeze3871avkroeze9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$260.00Sundance 269TSYMXLTall & WXL
79Tom & Marla English1731tenglish9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00BighornNM2XL & WXL
80Ted & Linda Starr3851Us2Starrs9/18/189/23/1852$225.00$0.00BC 3250TSYWL & M2XL
81Duke Ditrich2487jmditrich9/19/189/26/1872$270.00$270.00BH 3385RLN
82Jim & Melody Miner2617BigJim459/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3270RSNWL & MXL
83PJ & Karol McGuire1626Gaffer9/18/189/24/1862$260.00$0.00BighornNMXL & WL
84Dave & Pat Hole1661shelsay9/17/189/26/1892$365.00$0.00LM Grand CanyonNWM & MXL
85Dan & Terri Lewis3735Keepsgettingbetter9/16/189/25/1892$365.00$330.00BH 3160ELNML &WXL
86Harry & Terri Blatter3594HARTNER9/18/189/26/1882$330.00$0.00BH 3270RSN
87Bob & Debbie Richards3557richardsrr9/18/189/27/1892$365.00$0.00BH 3010REN
88Jim & Linda Kelly3604oldelevman9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00LM NewportYM2XL & WL
89Doug & Linda Ridenour #3796lindaridenour9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$0.00BighornYWXL & M3XL
90Carlos & Kindra Benavidez2602moses9/19/189/24/1852$225.00$225.00BH 3585RLNMXL & WXL
91Jerry & Kristi Deshazo3377darkhawk9/19/189/25/1862$260.00$0.00Torque TQ325N
92Wayne Bishop2262wino29/18/189/26/1881$305.00$0.00LM NewportNM2XL
93John & Kathy O'Donnell3076Odonnell9/18/189/25/1872$295.00$295.00BH 3260ELN
94John & Lori Dawson1583jdawson9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM NewportN
95Dan & Carol Seibert3842Squirrel9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00BH 3160ELY
96Fred & Leslie Goossens3565F_Goose9/20/189/26/1862$260.00$0.00NorthtrailNWL & ML
97Kevin & Cindy Smith3653Hwy1Run9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$295.00LM NewportNMXL & WM
98Rick & Teressa Carter3720wwtpo39/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00LM NewportY
99Happy Daze RVN/AN/A9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00?N
100Happy Daze RVN/AN/A9/19/189/26/1872$295.00$0.00?N

The waiting list has been moved to here


Hi Rod and Kelley
I have to totally apologize...but Pat and I are not going to be able to attend the Regional Rally in Jackson. I made myself a note that I had cancelled our attendance back in April, but darn if I can find it either on the blog or my e-mail.... Sorry we are going to miss it but happy for someone on the waiting list!!! Hopefully, next year.

Thank you.
Pat Coyne & Linda Steele


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Hi Rod and Kelley
I have to totally apologize...but Pat and I are not going to be able to attend the Regional Rally in Jackson. I made myself a note that I had cancelled our attendance back in April, but darn if I can find it either on the blog or my e-mail.... Sorry we are going to miss it but happy for someone on the waiting list!!! Hopefully, next year.

Thank you.
Pat Coyne & Linda Steele

We will miss you Pat & Linda....Hopefully we can have you join us at a future rally really soon!
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