WE have 6 sites remaining from our 100 allowed....
Thank you everyone who have signed up and to those still considering!!!
Our RAT Team will be working extra hard to provide some real exciting events and "twists" along the way!!!
Please continue reading the first post, as we will update and add new "features".
I know we will have some cancellations around payment time and we will have an active waitlist to accommodate those that didn't get in on the initial 100..
In the meantime who will be the NEXT 6 Attendees to complete our list of 100????? you out on the 12th.
Please remember our late departures are subject to no other large group booking the space after our Rally...
So far nothing is on the books....
Hi Garry. Please add us to the list of folks planning to attend the rally. Thanks much, Paul and Gogi Clark.